ZXR10 T8000 Hardware Installation Guide (Cluster)
Figure B-4 Knife-Shaped Fiber Pigtail Label Example
B.2.5 Ethernet Cable Engineering Label
The specification of the Ethernet cable engineering Label is similar to that of fiber label.
Please refer to the previous topic.
B.3 Rectangular Label
B.3.1 Horizontal English Label for Panel or Plug
The horizontal English label is used to paste on the panel or plug whose area is larger than
the label area. Label layout and dimension are shown in
Figure B-5
Figure B-5 Horizontal English Label for Panel or Plug
Label content are described as follows.
RJ45: Cable English name.
Port A: A end of the cable connector, which corresponds to B end or other connector.
5 m: Cable length, which is the linear length from the connector at one cable end to
the connector at the other cable end.
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