ZXR10 T8000 Hardware Installation Guide (Cluster)
Two Typical Cluster Modes
ZXR10 T8000 cluster 1+4 and cluster 2+8 somewhat resemble each other. Both of them
use three-level CLOS switching networks, the same types of boards, and the same models
of interconnection optical cables.
However, cluster 1+4 and cluster 2+8 of ZXR10 T8000 are still different in terms of:
Maximum switching capacity:
The switching capacity of a ZXR10 T8000
single-machine router is 1.92Tbps, so the switching capacity of a cluster 1+4 system
can be expanded to 7.68T and that of a cluster 2+8 system can be expanded to
Maximum number of line cards: A ZXR10 T8000 single-machine router provides up
to 16 line cards, so a cluster 1+4 system can provide up to 64 line cards and a cluster
2+8 system can provide 128 line cards.
The difference in switching capacity can also be seen from the perspective of
equivalent interface quantity.
For example, a single machine supports 16 40G
interfaces, so a cluster 1+4 system can have up to 64 40G interfaces, and a cluster
2+8 system can have up to 128 40G interfaces.
1.2 Hardware Composition of Cluster
Central Switching Shelf and Line Card Shelf
In a cluster system, ZXR10 T8000 devices can be divided into central switching shelves
and line card shelves by functionality. They hold different types of boards.
The appearance of a central switching shelf and a line card shelf is as shown in
Figure 1-1
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