Chapter 3 Indices
Inactive channel code domain power
With the standard 9CH configuration, the inactive channel
code domain power is less than -27 dB.
DO MAC inactive channel code domain
With configuration of 13 FLUSs, the MAC inactive channel
code domain power is less than -29.5 dB (type 2).
DO DATA channel code domain power
With configuration of 13 FLUSs at the rate of 614.44 kbs
(test 1), the DATA channel code domain power is in the
range of -15.5 dB to -14.5 dB.
Pilot channel: Rho > 0.97
MAC channel: Rho > 0.912
Wave quality of DO channels
DATA channel: Rho > 0.97
Radio frequency Front End SWR
< 2.0
illustrates the 800 MHz receiver indices.
Table 3-4 800 MHz Receiver Indices
Operating band
800 MHz (Band Class 0)
Receiver sensitivity
< -121 dBm
Receiver dynamic range
When the lower limit is the receiver sensitivity and the
upper limit (noise level) equals 55 dBm/1.23MHz (Eb/N0 =
10 dB±1dB), the Frame Error Rate (FER) is lower than 1%.
Noise figure
< 3
Single tone desensitization
In the presence of a single tone that is 50 dB above the
CDMA signal level, and is at offset of ±750 kHz from the
center frequency, the output power of the MS increases by
no more than 3 dB ,and the FER is less than 1.5%.
In the presence of a single tone that is 75 dB above the
CDMA signal level, and is at offset of ±900 kHz from the
center frequency, the output power of the MS increases by
no more than 3 dB, and the FER is less than 1.5%.
Intermodulation spurious response
In the presence of two interfering tones that are 60 dB
above the CDMA signal level, and are at offsets of +900
kHz, +1.7 MHz, -900 kHz and -1.7 MHz from the center
frequency, the output power of the MS increases by no
more than 3 dB, and the FER is less than 1.5%.
Conducted spurious emissions and
radiated spurious emissions
< -80 dBm, measured within the BTS receive band
< -60 dBm, measured within the BTS transmit band
Radio frequency Front End SWR
< 2.0
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