automatically switch on speaker to answer the incoming
call. Set to Intercom/Paging mode, it will answer the call
based on the SIP info header from the server.
Allow Auto
Answer by Call-
If the Call-Info header contains answer-after=0, the call be
answered automatically (so called paging mode).
Refer-To Use
Target Contact
Default is “No”. If set to “Yes”, then for Attended Transfer,
the “Refer-To” header uses the transferred target’s Contact
header information.
Transfer on
Defines whether or not the call is transferred to the other
party if the initiator of the conference hangs up.
Default setting is set to “No”.
ZXV10 P802L supports up to 7 different Vocoder types
including G.711(a/µ) (also known as PCMU/PCMA),
G.723.1, G.729A/B, G.726-32, Ilbc, G.722 (wide-band).
Configure Vocoders in a preference list that is included
with the same preference order in SDP message. Enter the
first Vocoder in this list by choosing the appropriate option
in “Choice 1”. Similarly, enter the last Vocoder in this list by
choosing the appropriate option in “Choice 8”.
Enable SRTP mode based on selection. Default is “No”.
Symmetric RTP Selects whether or not symmetric RTP is supported.
This controls the silence suppression/VAD feature of the
audio codec G.723 and G.729. If set to “Yes”, when silence
is detected, a small quantity of VAD packets (instead of
audio packets) will be sent during the period of no talking.
If set to “No”, this feature is disabled.
Voice Frames
per TX
This field contains the number of voice frames to be
transmitted in a single Ethernet packet (be advised the IS
limit is based on the maximum size of Ethernet packet is