P-661HW-D Series Support Notes
When the ISP assigns the P-661HW-D a new IP, the P-661HW-D must inform
the DDNS server the change of this IP so that the server can update its
IP-to-DNS entry. Once the IP-to-DNS table in the DDNS server is updated, the
DNS name for your web server (i.e., www.zyxel.com.tw) is still usable.
The DDNS servers the P-661HW-D supports currently is
WWW.DYNDNS.ORG where you apply the DNS from and update the WAN IP
Setup the DDNS
1. Before configuring the DDNS settings in the P-661HW-D, you must
register an account from the DDNS server such as
WWW.DYNDNS.ORG first. After the registration, you have a hostname
for your internal server and a password using to update the IP to the
DDNS server.
2. Login Web Configurator, Advanced Setup,
Advanced -> Dynamic DNS
'Active Dynamic DNS'
Key Settings:
Service Provider
Enter the DDNS server in this field. Currently, we support
Toggle to
Host Name
Enter the hostname you subscribe from the above DDNS server.
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