Chapter 20 Voice
PMG5318-B20B User’s Guide
• <dialed-number:translated-number> indicates the number after the colon replaces the number
before the colon in an angle bracket <>. For example,
(<:1212> xxxxxxx) means the GPON Device automatically prefixes the translated-number
“1212” to the number you dialed before making the call. This can be used for local calls in the
(<9:> xxx xxxxxxx) means the GPON Device automatically removes the specified prefix “9” from
the number you dialed before making the call. This is always used for making outside calls from
an office.
(xx<123:456>xxxx) means the GPON Device automatically translates “123” to “456” in the
number you dialed before making the call.
• Calls with a number followed by the exclamation mark “!” will be dropped.
• Calls with a number followed by the termination character “@” will be made immediately. Any
digit (0~9, *, #) after the @ character will be ignored.
In this example dial plan (0 | [49]11 | 1 [2-9]xx xxxxxxx | 1 947 xxxxxxx !), you can dial “0” to call
the local operator, call 411 or 911, or make a long distance call with an area code starting from 2 to
9 in the US. The calls with the area code 947 will be dropped.
20.3 SIP Service Provider Advanced Settings
Voice > SIP Advanced Setting
to open the following screen. Use this screen to configure
advanced SIP account settings.