Chapter 40 ISP Accounts
UAG5100 User’s Guide
40.2.1 ISP Account Add/Edit
The ISP Account Edit screen lets you add information about new accounts and edit information
about existing accounts. To open this window, open the ISP Account screen. (See
.) Then, click the Add icon or select an entry and click the Edit icon to open the ISP
Account Edit screen below.
Figure 259
Configuration > Object > ISP Account > Add/Edit
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The UAG confirms you want to remove it
before doing so.
Object Reference Select an entry and click Object Reference to open a screen that shows which settings
use the entry. See
for an example.
This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
Profile Name
This field displays the profile name of the ISP account. This name is used to identify the
ISP account.
This field displays the protocol used by the ISP account.
This field displays the authentication type used by the ISP account.
User Name
This field displays the user name of the ISP account.
Table 182
Configuration > Object > ISP Account (continued)
Table 183
Configuration > Object > ISP Account > Add/Edit
Profile Name
This field is read-only if you are editing an existing account. Type in the profile name of the
ISP account. The profile name is used to refer to the ISP account. You may use 1-31
alphanumeric characters, underscores(
), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a
number. This value is case-sensitive.
This field is read-only if you are editing an existing account. Select the protocol used by the
ISP account. Options are:
pppoe - This ISP account uses the PPPoE protocol.
pptp - This ISP account uses the PPTP protocol.