Chapter 41 System
UAG5100 User’s Guide
Server Port
The HTTPS server listens on port 443 by default. If you change the HTTPS server port
to a different number on the UAG, for example 8443, then you must notify people who
need to access the UAG Web Configurator to use “https://UAG IP Address:8443” as
the URL.
Authenticate Client
Select Authenticate Client Certificates (optional) to require the SSL client to
authenticate itself to the UAG by sending the UAG a certificate. To do that the SSL
client must have a CA-signed certificate from a CA that has been imported as a trusted
CA on the UAG (see
on importing certificates for
Server Certificate
Select a certificate the HTTPS server (the UAG) uses to authenticate itself to the
HTTPS client. You must have certificates already configured in the My Certificates
Redirect HTTP to
To allow only secure Web Configurator access, select this to redirect all HTTP
connection requests to the HTTPS server.
Admin/User Service
Admin Service Control specifies from which zones an administrator can use HTTPS
to manage the UAG (using the Web Configurator). You can also specify the IP
addresses from which the administrators can manage the UAG.
User Service Control specifies from which zones a user can use HTTPS to log into
the UAG (to log into a web portal to access the Internet for example). You can also
specify the IP addresses from which the users can access the UAG.
Click this to create a new entry. Select an entry and click Add to create a new entry
after the selected entry.
Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to be able to modify the entry’s
To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The UAG confirms you want to
remove it before doing so. Note that subsequent entries move up by one when you
take this action.
To change an entry’s position in the numbered list, select the method and click Move
to display a field to type a number for where you want to put it and press [ENTER] to
move the rule to the number that you typed.
This is the index number of the service control rule.
The entry with a hyphen (-) instead of a number is the UAG’s (non-configurable)
default policy. The UAG applies this to traffic that does not match any other configured
rule. It is not an editable rule. To apply other behavior, configure a rule that traffic will
match so the UAG will not have to use the default policy.
This is the zone on the UAG the user is allowed or denied to access.
This is the object name of the IP address(es) with which the computer is allowed or
denied to access.
This displays whether the computer with the IP address specified above can access the
UAG zone(s) configured in the Zone field (Accept) or not (Deny).
Select the check box to allow or disallow the computer with the IP address that
matches the IP address(es) in the Service Control table to access the UAG Web
Configurator using HTTP connections.
Server Port
You may change the server port number for a service if needed, however you must
use the same port number in order to use that service to access the UAG.
Table 194
Configuration > System > WWW > Service Control (continued)