4ms S.C.M. Breakout
(Expansion Module for the Shuffling Clock Multiplier)
Kit Builder's Guide for PCB v1.1
Shuffling Clock Multiplier Breakout
This guide is for building a Shuffling Clock Multiplier Breakout module (SCMBO) from the 4ms kit.
The SCMBO requires an SCM to operate, as it connects directly to the SCM board to add features to
the SCM. For more information, you can download the SCMBO manual here:
Step 1: Diodes and resistor
Insert and solder the diodes and resistor. After soldering, snip the leads nearly flush to the PCB (you'll
be snipping the leads flush on all the components after soldering). There's a black band on each diode
that must go towards the line on the PCB (the arrow on the PCB points towards the band).
“Si” 1N914 diodes x 6 (small red glass diodes)
“5V” 1N4733 Zener diodes x 6 (slightly larger red glass diodes, labeled “4733”)
10k resistor x 1 (Brown Black Orange Gold)