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TERMS OF WARRANTY – Domestic and Residential (non-commercial) Use 


Abey provides the following extended warranty on the Abey range of tapware and showers (product) 

purchased for use in normal do mestic and residential (non-commercial) installations. The period for 

which the warranty will apply to the product di ers according to the product type and is subject to the 

Warranty Conditions and Exclusions set out below.

Abey Australia Pty Ltd A.B.N. 34 004 589 879 (Abey) tapware and shower products are made to the 

highest industry standards.  

The terms of this warranty apply to products purchased after 1 December 2012. If a subsequent version

of this warranty is issued by Abey, the terms of that warranty will apply to products purchased after the 

date speci ed in that version.

Abey warrants that products in the Abey range purchased for normal domestic and residential use will 

be free from defects in material and workmanship for the period of time per product speci ed in the 

following table. 

The warranty only applies to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable to any other 

person under any circumstances. The warranty commences from the original date of purchase of the 

product in Australia from Abey or one of its authorised distributors or dealers. 
Abey's obligation under this warranty is limited to removal of the defect and making the product 

functional by repairing or providing a replacement of a defective part if any with a functional part in 

respect of the product within the warranty period stated above. 

This warranty will only apply where: 
(a)      the product is installed by a licensed plumber;
(b)      the product is installed at a pressure no greater than 500kpa; 

Failure to do so will void this warranty. 
This warranty will also be void if damage (including but not limited to corrosion) or malfunction of 

the product is caused:  
(a)      due to misuse, negligence or failure to install or connect the product in accordance with any 

           instructions, or information provided by Abey or to properly repair the product; 
(b)      due to normal wear and tear or the non-observance of the maintenance recommendations for 

           the product;  

ABEY RANGE – Warranty Domestic and Residential (non - commercial use)

Warranty period

from original

date of




SHOWERS (Fixed) 

SHOWERS (On rail)

7 years replacement


7 years replacement


3 years replacement


1 year replacement parts

and labour

1 labour

1 labour

(c)      all water supply lines are  ushed by the plumber before installation of the product.


(c)      due to the use of harsh adhesives, detergent, sealants, chemicals, agents, abrasive sponges, 

           wire wool, alcohol or electrical in uences etc. which damage the product surfaces 

           compromising their aesthetics, brightness and sanitising. 

To the maximum extent permitted by law, and subject to any statutory provisions to the contrary, 

this warranty excludes any and all liability for damage or injury to any person, damage to any 

property and any other economic, consequential or other loss or damage caused by any defect in 

the product or part of the product. 

Temperature                      60°C 
Pressure                               500kpa 

Temperature                     1°C 
Pressure                              300kpa 

(a)        Contact Abey Australia Customer Central  

             Monday – Friday, 8am – 4pm  

             Phone: 1800 809 143 

             Fax: 1800 654 063 

(b)       Additional service fees may apply if you are seeking warranty service from a distributor or 

             dealer other than the distributor or dealer from whom you originally purchased the product.  
(c)       Check with Abey in advance for any costs to you when arranging a warranty call. Travel and 

            shipping charges for parts are not covered by this warranty. 

(d)       Abey will assess your claim.  Abey may need to inspect the product as part of the assessment 

            of your claim.  If the product requires inspection, Abey will discuss with you the best way for 

            this to occur.  
(e)       To make a claim under this warranty, you must be able to prove when you purchased the 

            product.  The easiest way to do this is through your original proof of purchase, for example 

            your invoice or receipt. However, if you do not have your original proof of purchase Abey may 

            accept other evidence of the date of purchase.   

Other Rights
This warranty is in addition to any other rights or remedies that you may have under any Australian 

law (including the Australian Consumer Law) and must be read subject to such law. Nothing 

contained in this document shall operate to exclude, restrict or modify any such rights or remedies 

that you may have that cannot be excluded, restricted or modi ed under any Australian law. 
In addition to your rights under this warranty, our goods come with guarantees that cannot be 

excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a 

major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are 

also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and 

the failure does not amount to a major failure. 

Working Speci cations

Maximum di erence in pressure between hot and cold supply is 150kpa.

Recommended operating pressure:      300 to 500kpa.

Where normal working pressures exceed the maximum stated above, a pressure limiting valve 

should be installed as excessive pressure may damage the tap and void warranty.

To make a claim against this warranty
