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NetVanta 2300

Mid-Range VPN Gateway and Firewall

Product Features

IPSec VPN tunneling with
DES/3DES encryption

Internet Key Exchange
(IKE) for user 

Stateful inspection
firewall security

DMZ Port for public
server access 

Hardware Encryption

Up to 100 private 
encryption tunnels

Logging and alerts

Web-based management

10/100 BaseT Ethernet
interfaces for flexible 

The ADTRAN NetVanta

2300 is a mid-range

IPSec compliant gateway providing all the
necessary components required to secure an
integrated VPN solution.

As a branch office or

mid-size host security gateway, the NetVanta
2300 provides several key security features such
as IPSec VPN tunneling with DES or 3DES
encryption, stateful inspection firewall, and IKE
for user authentication supporting
public/private keys or digital certificates. In
addition, it also offers a DMZ port for public
server access, a hardware encryption accelerator
for faster encryption throughput and up to 100
simultaneous VPN tunnels.


On a public infrastructure like the

Internet, security is of the utmost importance.
The NetVanta 2300 protects the corporate
network against attacks with a built-in firewall
and provides data security through encryption,
authentication and key exchange. The NetVanta
2300 employs a stateful inspection firewall that
protects an organization’s network from
common cyber attacks including TCP syn-
flooding, IP spoofing, ICMP redirect, land
attacks, ping-of-death, and IP reassembly prob-
lems. The NetVanta 2300 also encrypts the data
being sent out onto the network, using either the
DES (Data Encryption Standard) or 3DES
encryption algorithms. Data integrity is ensured
using MD5 or SHA1 as it is transported across
the public infrastructure. In addition, Internet
Key Exchange (IKE) can be used for user authen-
tication supporting public/private keys or digital
certificates, assuring that the proper VPN tunnel
is established and that the tunnel has not been
redirected or compromised.

VPN Tunneling:

NetVanta 2300 is an IPSec

compliant device that supports both ESP and
AH protocols and provides secure communica-
tion over potentially unsecure network
components. As a security gateway, the NetVanta
2300 can support up to 100 private encryption
communication tunnels through the Internet
from remote locations. The NetVanta 2300 can
also hide IP addresses from the external world by
performing Network Address Translation (NAT). 

Web-based Management:

Configuring a remote

NetVanta 2300 can easily be managed using a
standard web browser. NetVanta 2300 has built-
in alert and logging mechanisms for messaging
and mail services. This enables the unit to warn
administrators about activities that are going on
in the network by logging them into a SYSLOG
server or sending an email to the administrator. 

The NetVanta 2300 offers guaranteed interoper-
ability with ADTRAN’s complete line of NetVanta
2000 Series of VPN/Security gateways: NetVanta
2050 for work-at-home telecommuters, NetVanta
2100 for small office connectivity, NetVanta 2400
for larger corporate host applications, and the
software implemented, NetVanta VPN Client.
Together the NetVanta 2000 Series offers the most
robust features and functions to address a wide
range of enterprise VPN needs.  
