E-ITN 30.51 / 30.6
Electronic double-sensored heating cost allocator with radio module
1. Application
E-ITN 30.51 and E-ITN 30.6 cost allocators for heat
meters is a device that registers the temperature dif-
ference between the radiator surface and the room.
On this basis the calculation system, strictly con-
nected with the structure of given allocator, allows
to determine which part of the costs of heat con-
sumed during the heating period in the given build-
ing falls to the apartment in which given radiator is
2. Cost allocator structure
The allocator is equipped with mechanical and elec-
tronic seals that protect it against unauthorized ac-
cess. The electronic seal is activated already during
the production process, whereas the mechanical
seal (clamp seal) is activated during the installation
of the device on a radiator. In case of unauthorized
opening of the allocator, the device will save the date
of electronic seal breakage in its memory and will
stop showing the data on the display. The display
will show the desription „Open”, which indicates un-
authorized opening of the device. The allocator will
continue the measurement and data transmission!
The information about broken electronic seal will be
available among the data transmitted via the radio
module as well as the IR infrared interface. The de-
vice is powered with lithium battery and equipped
with 16 byte microcontroller with very low energy
consumption, as well as with the radio module.
3. Cost allocator performance
The cost allocator operates based on double-sensor
measurement method, where one sensor measures
the temperature of radiator surface and the other
sensor measures the air temperature in the room.
The allocator starts to calculate the units when the
temperature of radiator measurement sensor is
higher or equal 23 °C and the difference between
the temperature of radiator surface and room tem-
perature is higher or equal 5 °C. The units shown on
LCD display are dimensionless units not connected
with any physical quantities. The amount of calcu-
lated units allows to settle the costs incurred to the
occupant for heating the flat.
The cost allocator is resistant against any
manipulations. In the event of a manipulation, the
allocator automatically switches to one-sensor op-
eration mode (less convenient for the users). The al-
locator will switch back to standard operation mode
(double-sensor mode) after the manipulation has
4. Failure mode
The cost allocator switches automatically from op-
eration mode to failure mode when the microcon-
troller identifies a serious system failure. In failure
mode the allocator constantly shows „Error” mes-
sage on the display. Cost allocator does not meas-
ure the temperature and neither calculates nor
transmitts the measured data, it only updates the
date. In case of power failure, the data will not be
completely lost because the allocator saves the data
to its non-volatile memory every day. Saved data can
be restored using special equippment.
5. Battery life
Battery life is 10 years + 1 year. The information
about battery life is stored in microcontroller’s
memory. In case of the allocator’s operation in the
last (tenth) year of battery life, the display will show
a flashing symbol „BAT”. After the expiry of this pe
riod „BAT” symbol will be displayed permanently.
5-digit LCD display
+ 2 special char-
Read button 1x
press and release
Readings will appe-
ar on the display as
described in point 6
4-digit code with
the indication of
respectively the
month and two last
numbers of manu-
facturing year
Device type
IR port - manual
infrared reading
of indications
8-digit device
Bar code
of the device