background image

set current time

The clock setting buttons (T1 and T2) 
are pen push — use the tip of a ballpoint 
pen to press the recessed button.



1.   Press T1 button once (located right 

of the LCD clock) to cause the hour 
indicator to blink.

2.  Press and release (or hold down) T2 

button to advance to the desired hour.


1.   Press T1 again for the minute indicator 

to blink.

2.  Press and release (or hold down) T2 to 

advance the minute indicator to the 
desired time.


1.   Press T1 again to cause the day 

indicator to blink.

2.  Press and release (or hold down) T2 to 

advance to the desired day.

12 or 24 HOUR:

1.   Press T1 again to cause the 12 hour 

indicator to blink.

2.  Press T2 to toggle to desired 12 or 24 

hour clock settings.

3.  Press T1 again to end time setting/

editing procedure.

record messages

1.  Press and release RECORD button.  

This causes the blue LED to turn on.  
a.  The blue LED will turn off if a 

message button is not pushed 
within 5 seconds.

2.  Press and hold any of the 5 message 

buttons (located above the speaker). 
The five message buttons are pen 
push — use the tip of a ballpoint pen 
to press the recessed button. 
a.  While recording, the LCD will 

display a countdown of remaining 

recording seconds. Each of the five 
messages holds up to 12 seconds.

b.  During the recording of messages 

the blue LED will turn off.

3.  Begin recording desired message.
4.  Release message button when 

recording is complete.


  Press and hold the message button 

for the length of the message.

replay button

  Replay button will replay the  

last message within 25 seconds after 
the message plays.

set automatic playback

1.   Press and release TIME button. This 

causes two fields to blink. Both are 
located on the left side of the LCD.  



Voice Cue

Auditory Cueing – Verbal Prompting  
5 messages
