background image

Please read carefully and keep for future reference.


Safety information

Carefully read, understand, and follow all information in the user 
manual before installing and using the mini-pool. These warnings, 
instructions, and safety guidelines address some common risks of 
water recreation, but they cannot cover all risks and dangers in all 
cases. Always use caution, common sense, and good judgment when 
enjoying any water activity. Retain this information for future use.

Non Swimmers safety

• Continuous, active, and vigilant supervision of weak swimmers and 

non-swimmers by a competent adult is required at all times 
(remembering that children under five are at the highest risk of 

• Designate a competent adult to supervise the pool each time it is 

being used.

• Weak swimmers or non-swimmers should wear personal protection 

equipment when using the mini-pool.

• When the mini-pool is not in use, remove all toys and appealing 

objects from the water and the coping to avoid attracting children to 
the mini-pool.

• When the mini-pool is not in use, remove all toys or other objects 

from its surrounding that could be used by a child as a device to 
facilitate the access into the mini-pool (e.g. chairs, big toys, etc.).

Safety devices

• It is recommended to install a barrier (and secure all doors and 

windows, where applicable) to prevent unauthorized access to the 

• Personal protective equipment, barriers, pool covers, pool alarms, or 

similar safety devices are helpful aids, but they are not substitutes for 
continuous and competent adult supervision.

Safety equipment

• Keep a working phone and a list of emergency phone numbers near 

the mini-pool.

Safe use of the mini-pool

• Encourage all users especially children to learn how to swim.
• Learn Basic Life Support (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - CPR) 

and refresh this knowledge regularly. This can make a life-saving 
difference in the event of an emergency.

• Instruct all mini-pool users, including children, what to do in case of 

an emergency.

• Never dive into any shallow body of water. This can lead to serious 

injury or death.

• Do not use the mini-pool when using alcohol or medication that may 

impair your ability to safely use the mini-pool.

• When pool covers are used, remove them completely from the water 

surface before entering the pool.

• Replace water regularly according to manufacturer 

recommendations and depending on hygienic conditions, its 
cleanliness, its clarity, and its odour, or if any debris or stains are 

present in the mini-pool.Use of chemicals in mini-pools without water 
circulation may result in direct contact with the chemicals or in areas 
of high chemical concentration resulting in injury to the users.

• If chemicals are occasionally used to reduce the frequency of water 

replacement, follow chemicals manufacturer instructions closely 
(especially never use more than recommended), ensure the 
appropriate mixing of chemicals to avoid possible personal injuries 
and store chemicals out of reach of children.

• The use and installation of any electrical appliances around 

mini-pools shall be in accordance with the national regulations.

• Where applicable, remove any means of access from the mini-pool 

and store it out of reach of children whenever the mini-pool is not in 

• Use of accessories not approved by the mini-pool manufacturer (e.g. 

ladders, covers, pumps, etc.) may result in risks of injuries or 
property damages.

• Use the signage as outlined below.

Keep children under supervision in the aquatic environment. 
No diving.

• Please read carefully and follow the safety warnings and safety signs 

on the pool wall.

• Selection of appropriate location to prevent the hazard of drowning 

of young children, install the mini-pool in a place where it is possible 
for the supervision to be constant;



Installation of 


 usually takes only 10 minutes with 1 people.

1. Find solid, level ground and clear it of debris.


Do not set up the pool under cables or under trees.

2. Take the pool out of package with care.
3. Spread out the pool and make sure the pool is right side up.
4. Open the safety valves and inflate with an air pump (pump is not 

included in this product), close the valves after inflation.


inflatable pool only


Do not over inflate.

5. Begin to fill, once pool floor is slightly covered, smooth all wrinkles. 

Start at the center of pool and move to the outside.

6. Continue to fill the pool until the water capacity reaches 75%. 

Please kindly pay the utmost attention not to over fill the pool for 
security reasons.


Do not leave pool unattended while filling with water.



1. Check local regulations for specific directions regarding disposal of 

swimming pool water.

2. Drain the pool. 


Do not leave the drained pool outside.

3. Open the safety valve and squeeze the valve at its base to deflate.
4. After deflation, use a damp cloth to clean.


If you do not adhere to the maintenance guidelines covered 

herein, your health might be at risk, especially that of your children.
1. Replace the pool water regularly; unclean water is harmful to user’s 


2. Please contact your local retailer to obtain chemicals to treat the 

water in your pool. Be sure to follow the chemical manufacture’s 

3. Proper maintenance can maximize life of your pool.
4. See packaging for water capacity.
5. You may also purchase Bestway’s maintenance kit (including pool 

skimmer and pool vacuum), chemical floater and pool cover from 
your local poor retailers to help keeping pool water clean.



If a chamber is damaged, use the provided repair patch.
1. Completely deflate the product.
2. Clean and dry the damaged area.
3. Apply the provided repair patch and smooth out any air bubbles.


1. Make sure all water is drained from the pool. Once pool is 

completely dry, put the folded pool into the package.

2. Store in a cool, dry place and out of children’s reach.
3. We strongly recommend the pool is disassembled during the off 

season (winter months).





One pool, 

repair patch

























Ф1.50m x H53cm (Ф59" x H21")

1.50m x 1.27m x 43cm (59" x 50" x 17‘’)

Ф1.52m x H43cm (Ф60" x H17")
Ф1.52m x H51cm (Ф60" x H20")
Ф1.57m x H46cm (Ф62" x H18")

1.68m x 1.68m x 56cm (66" x 66" x 22")

Ф1.70m x H53cm (Ф67" x H21")

Ф1.96m x H53cm (Ф6'5" x H21")

2.00m x 1.46m x 48cm (6'7" x 57.5" x 19")

Ф2.01m x H53cm (Ф6'7" x H21")

2.13m x 2.06m x 69cm (7' x 6'9'' x 27")

2.29m x 1.52m x 51cm (7'6" x 60" x 20")
2.29m x 1.52m x 56cm (7'6" x 60" x 22")

2.31m x 2.31m x 51cm (7'7" x 7'7" x 20")

2.41m x 2.41m x 1.40m (7'11" x 7'11" x 55")

Ф2.44m x H46cm (Ф8' x H18")

2.62m x 1.57m x 46cm (8'7" x 62" x 18")

2.62m x 1.75m x 51cm (103" x 69" x 20")

2.62m x 1.75m x 51cm (8'7" x 69" x 20")

3.02m x 1.70m x 51cm (9'11" x 67" x 20")

2.70m x 1.98m x 51cm (8'10" x 6'6" x 20")

3.05m x 1.83m x 46cm (10′ x 6ˊ x 18")

3.05m x 1.83m x 56cm (10' x 6' x 22")
3.05m x 2.74m x 46cm (10' x 9' x 18")




Summary of Contents for 51041

Page 1: ... the aquatic environment No diving Please read carefully and follow the safety warnings and safety signs on the pool wall Selection of appropriate location to prevent the hazard of drowning of young children install the mini pool in a place where it is possible for the supervision to be constant PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Instal...

Page 2: ...tilisée L utilisation d équipements non approuvés par le fabricant de la piscinette par exemple échelles couvre piscine pompes etc peut exposer à des risques de blessure ou provoquer des dommages matériels Utiliser les pictogrammes décrits ci dessous Garder les enfants sous surveillance dansl environnement aquatique Ne pas plonger Veuillez lire attentivement et suivre les consignes de sécurité et ...

Page 3: ...ten Sicherheitszeichen verwenden Kinder im Wasser und der Wasserumgebung stets beaufsichtigen Nicht springen Bitte sorgfältig lesen und die Sicherheitshinweise und Sicherheitsschilder auf der Poolwand beachten Auswahl eines geeigneten Standortes um das Risiko des Ertrinkens von kleinen Kindern zur vermeiden den Mini Pool an einem Ort aufstellen an dem eine ständige Beaufsichtigung möglich ist DIES...

Page 4: ...e ai simboli di sicurezza sulla parete della piscina Selezionare la posizione corretta per evitare il pericolo di annegamento dei bambini installare la piscinetta in un luogo dove sia possibile una supervisione costante LEGGERE ATTENTAMENTE LE ISTRUZIONI E CONSERVARE IL MANUALE PER RIFERIMENTO FUTURO ISTRUZIONI DI INSTALLAZIONE L installazione della PISCINA può essere completata da una sola person...

Page 5: ...sels of schade aan eigendommen Gebruik de aanduidingsborden zoals hieronder aangegeven Houd de kinderen onder toezicht in de wateromgeving Niet duiken Lees zorgvuldig en volg de veiligheidswaarschuwingen en veiligheidstekens op de zwembadwand Selectie van de juiste locatie om het gevaar op verdrinking van jonge kinderen te voorkomen installeer het mini zwembad op een plaats waar een constant toezi...

Page 6: ...ñales de seguridad de la pared de la piscina Elija un lugar adecuado para prevenir el riesgo de ahogamiento instale la piscina de modo que la supervisión constante por parte de un adulto esté garantizada LEA Y GUARDE CON CUIDADO ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES PARA CONSULTARLAS EN EL FUTURO INSTRUCCIONES PARA LA INSTALACIÓN La instalación de la PISCINA normalmente sólo requiere 10 minutos si la efectúa 1 pers...

Page 7: ... som anvist i det følgende Hold børnene under opsyn når de er i nærheden af vandet Ingen dykning Læs dette omhyggeligt og følg sikkerhedsadvarslerne og sikkerhedsskiltene på bassinvæggen Valg af en egnet placering kan eliminere druknefaren for mindre børn Opsæt mini bassinet et sted hvor der kan holdes konstant opsyn LÆS VENLIGST DISSE INSTRUKSER OMHYGGELIGT FOR SENERE REFERENCE INSTALLATIONSINSTR...

Page 8: ...lo escadas coberturas bombas etc pode resultar em riscos de ferimentos ou danos de propriedade Utilize a sinalização conforme indicado abaixo Mantenha as crianças sob supervisão no meio aquático Não mergulhe Por favor leia cuidadosamente e siga os avisos e sinais de segurança que se encontram na parede da piscina Seleccione um local adequado para prevenir o risco de afogamento de crianças pequenas...


Page 10: ...оступном для детей месте Использование принадлежностей не одобренных производителем мини бассейна например лесенок крышек насосов и т д может привести к получению травм и материальному ущербу Выполняйте указания графических знаков как указано ниже В воде дети должны находиться под присмотром взрослых Нырять запрещается Внимательно прочитайте и соблюдайте предостережения относительно безопасного по...

Page 11: ...nostní cedule na stěně bazénu si pečlivě přečtěte a řiďte se jimi Pro instalaci bazénku vyberte takové místo kde bude minimalizováno nebezpečí utopení malých dětí instalujte jej např tam kde na něj neustále uvidíte PŘEČTĚTE SI PROSÍM PEČLIVĚ TYTO POKYNY A USCHOVEJTE JE PRO POZDĚJŠÍ POUŽITÍ POKYNY K INSTALACI Instalace BAZÉNU obvykle zabere 1 člověku pouze 10 minut 1 Vybírejte pevné a rovné podloží...

Page 12: ...en dykking Vennligst les og følg sikkerhetsadvarslene og sikkerhetsmerkingen på bassengveggen nøye Velg et hensiktsmessig sted for å forhindre faren for at små barn skal drukne monter minibassenget på et sted der det er mulig å overvåke det hele tiden VENNLIGST LES DISSE INTRUKSJONE NØYE OG OPPBEVAR DEM FOR SENERE KONSULTASJON INSTALLASJONSINSTRUKSJONER Installasjon av tar vanligvis bare 10 minutt...

Page 13: ...Vänligen läs och följ säkerhetsvarningarna och säkerhetsskyltarna på poolkanten noga Välj en lämplig plats för att undvika faran att små barn drunknar installera mini poolen på en plats där konstant övervakning är möjlig LÄS DESSA ANVSINGAR NOGGRANT OCH SPARA DEM FÖR FRAMTIDA REFERENS INSTALLATIONSANVISNINGAR Det tar i normala fall 1 person 10 minuter att installera POOLEN 1 Välj en jämn och plan ...

Page 14: Käytä alla esitettyjä opasteita Älä jätä lapsia ilman valvontaa kun lähistöllä on vettä Ei sukeltamista Lue huolellisesti turvavaroitukset ja merkit ja noudata niitä Ne löytyvät altaan seinämästä Valitse asianmukainen kohta jotta voidaan välttyä lasten hukkumisriskiltä Asenna miniallas kohtaan jossa sitä on mahdollista valvoa keskeytyksettä LUE NÄMÄ OHJEET HUOLELLISESTI JA SÄILYTÄ NE TULEVAA TA...

Page 15: ... Deti vo vode udržujte pod dozorom Zákaz potápania Starostlivo si prosím prečítajte bezpečnostné varovania a bezpečnostné značky na stenách bazéna Voľba hodného miesta aby sa zabránilo riziku utopenia malých detí Mini bazén nainštalujte na mieste kde je možné zabezpečiť sústavný dozor TIETO POKYNY SI DÔKLADNE PREČÍTAJTE A ODLOŽTE SI ICH PRE POUŽITIE V BUDÚCNOSTI POKYNY PRE ROZLOŽENIE Jednému člove...

Page 16: ...zieci bawiące się w środowisku wodnym Nie skacz do wody Uważnie zapoznaj się z ostrzeżeniami oraz znakami bezpieczeństwa na ściance basenu i przestrzegaj ich Miejsce ustawienia baseniku wybierz w taki sposób żeby zapobiec ryzyku utonięcia dziecka tzn upewnij się że możliwy jest stały nadzór PRZECZYTAJ UWAŻNIE I ZACHOWAJ TE INSTRUKCJE ŻEBY MOŻNA BYŁO KORZYSTAĆ Z NICH W PÓŹNIEJSZYM CZASIE UŻYTKOWANI...

Page 17: ...alaposan olvassa el és tartsa be a medence falán feltüntetett biztonsági figyelmeztetésekben és biztonsági jelzésekben foglaltakat A kisgyermekek fulladásának elkerülése érdekében válasszon meg jól a helyszínt és olyan helyen állítsa föl a mini medencét ahol a folyamatos felügyelet biztosítható OLVASSA EL FIGYELMESEN ÉS ŐRIZZE MEG AZ UTASÍTÁSOKAT HOGY A KÉSŐBBIEK SORÁN IS RENDELKEZÉSRE ÁLLJANAK SZ...

Page 18: ...n ievērojiet drošības brīdinājumus un drošības zīmes uz baseina sienām Izvēlieties piemērotu atrašānās vietu lai novērstu mazu bērnu slīkšanu uzstādiet mini baseinu vietā kur to iespējams nepārtraukti uzraudzīt RŪPĪGI IZLASIET ŠOS NORĀDĪJUMUS UN SAGLABĀJIET TOS TURPMĀKAI UZZIŅAI UZSTĀDĪŠANAS NORĀDĪJUMI BASEINU parasti var uzstādīt 1 persona aptuveni 10 minūtēs 1 Izvēlieties cietu līdzenu pamatni k...

Page 19: ...kite ženklus kaip nurodyta toliau Prižiūrėkite vaikus vandens aplinkoje Nenardykite Atidžiai perskaitykite ir laikykitės saugos įspėjimų ir ženklų nurodytų ant baseino sienelės Pasirinkite tinkamą vietą kad išvengtumėte mažų vaikų nuskendimo pavojaus ir įrenkite mini baseiną tokioje vietoje kur būtų galima nuolatinė priežiūra ATIDŽIAI PERSKAITYKITE IR IŠSAUGOKITE ŠIAS INSTRUKCIJAS KAD GALĖTUMĖTE P...

Page 20: ...gmotne škode Uporabite spodaj prikazane znake Otroci naj bodo v vodi ves čas pod nadzorom Skakanje prepovedano Pozorno preberite varnostna opozorila in varnostne znake na steni bazena ter jih upoštevajte Izbira pravega mesta v izogib tveganju utopitve majhnih otrok mini bazen postavite na tako mesto kjer je mogoč stalni nadzor PROSIMO DA TA NAVODILA POZORNO PREBERETE IN SHRANITE ZA RABO V BODOČE N...

Page 21: ...icisi tarafından uygun görülmeyen aksesuarların örn merdiven kılıflar pompalar vb kullanılması insanların yaralanmasına veya nesnelerin zarar görmesine neden olabilir İşaretleri aşağıda verilen şekilde kullanın Su ortamında çocukları gözetim altında tutun Dalmayın Lütfen dikkatlice okuyun ve güvenlik uyarılarını ve havuzun duvarında yer alan güvenlik işaretlerini takip edin Çocukların boğulma risk...

Page 22: jos Ţineţi copiii sub supraveghere în mediul acvatic Nu vă scufundaţi Vă rugăm să citiți cu atenție și să respectați avertismentele de siguranță și semnele de siguranță de pe peretele piscinei Selectarea locației adecvate pentru a preveni pericolul de înec al copiilor mici instalați mini piscina într un loc în care este posibilă supravegherea constantă VĂ RUGĂM SĂ CITIŢI CU ATENŢIE ŞI SĂ PĂSTRA...

Page 23: ...басейна напр стълби капаци помпи и т н може да доведе до риск от наранявания или имуществени щети Използвайте обозначения както е посочено по долу Дръжте децата под наблюдение в среда с наличие на вода Не се гмуркайте Моля прочетете внимателно и следвайте предупрежденията за безопасност и обозначенията за безопасност на стената на басейна Изборът на подходящо място за да се предотврати опасността ...

Page 24: ...ivanja imovine Koristite oznake upozorenja koje su navedene u nastavku Držite pod nadzorom djecu koja se nalaze u vodi Zabranjeno ronjenje Pažljivo pročitajte i pridržavajte se sigurnosnih upozorenja i oznaka upozorenja na stjenci bazena Odaberite odgovarajuće mjesto kako biste spriječili nastanak opasnosti od utapanja djeteta i postavite maleni bazen na mjesto gdje ga možete stalno nadzirati MOLI...

Page 25: ... järgmiselt Hoidke lapsed vees olles järelevalve all Sukeldumine on keelatud Lugege ohuhoiatused läbi ja järgige hoiatusi ning märke mis on basseini seinal Paigaldage minibassein kohta kus on välditud väikelaste uppumisoht ja kus on võimalik tagada pidev järelevalve PALUME LUGEDA HOOLIKALT NING JÄTTA NEED JUHENDID EDASPIDISEKS PÖÖRDUMISEKS PAIGALDUSJUHEND Tavaliselt BASSEINI paigaldamine võtab 10 ...

Page 26: ...očitate i sledite bezbednosna upozorenja i bezbednosne znakove na zidu bazena Izaberite odgovarajuću lokaciju kako biste sprečili opasnost od davljenja male dece postavite mini bazen na mesto gde je moguće da nadzor bude stalan MOLIMO PAŽLJIVO PROČITATE OVA UPUTSTVA I SAČUVATE IH RADI KASNIJEG PODSEĆANJA UPUTSTVO ZA MONTIRANJE Za postavljanje BAZENA obično je potrebno samo 10 minuta ako ga obavlja...

Page 27: ...ع اﻟﺳﺑﺎﺣﺔ ﺣﻣﺎم ﺟدار ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻣوﺟودة اﻟﺳﻼﻣﺔ وﻋﻼﻣﺎت اﻟﺳﻼﻣﺔ ﺗﺣذﯾرات واﺗﺑﺎع ﻗراءة ﯾرﺟﻰ ﺑﻌﻧﺎﯾﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺳﺑﺎﺣﺔ ﺣﻣﺎم وﺗرﻛﯾب اﻟﺻﻐﺎر اﻷطﻔﺎل ﻗﺑل ﻣن اﻟﻐرق ﺧطر ﻟﻣﻧﻊ اﻟﻣﻧﺎﺳب اﻟﻣوﻗﻊ اﺧﺗﯾﺎر اﻹﻣﻛﺎن ﺑﻘدر ﻋﻠﯾﮫ اﻟﻣﺳﺗﻣر اﻹﺷراف ﯾﺳﮭل ﻣﻛﺎن ﻣﺳﺗﻘﺑﻠﻲ ﻛﻣرﺟﻊ ﺑﮭﺎ واﻻﺣﺗﻔﺎظ ﺑﻌﻧﺎﯾﺔ اﻟﺗﻌﻠﯾﻣﺎت ھذه ﻗراءة ﯾرﺟﻰ تاميلعت بيكرتلا واﺣد ﺷﺧص وﺑﻣﻌرﻓﺔ ﻓﻘط دﻗﺎﺋق 10 ﺳوى ﯾﺳﺗﻐرق ﻻ اﻟﺳﺑﺎﺣﺔ ﺣﻣﺎم ﺗرﻛﯾب اﻟﺣطﺎم ﻣن وﻧظﻔﮭﺎ ﺻﻠﺑﺔ أرﺿﯾﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻋﺛر 1 اﻷﺷﺟﺎر ﺗﺣت أو ...

Page 28: ... in der Europäischen Union vertreten von Prodotto distribuito e rappresentato nell Unione Europea da Bestway Europe S r l Via Resistenza 5 20098 San Giuliano Milanese Milano Italy Distributed in Latin America by Distribué en Amérique latine par Distribuido en Latinoamérica por Distribuído na América Latina por Bestway Central South America Ltda Salar Ascotan 1282 Parque Enea Pudahuel Santiago Chil...
