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Weather Sensor


The WXT520


 measures wind speed and direction, precipitation, 

barometric pressure, temperature, and relative humidity—all in 
a single device that has no moving parts. The WXT520’s small 

size makes it ideal for quick, short-term deployments. However, 
the WXT520 is not intended for weather stations that require 
research-grade performance.

Benefits and Features

Low maintenance—no moving parts significantly reduces 
maintenance cost and time
Compact and lightweight
Low power consumption
Fast and simple to install

Low power consumption
Fast and simple to install
Outputs an SDI-12 signal that can be measured by many of  
our dataloggers


Combines the six weather parameters in one instrument

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Technical Description

The WXT520’s wind sensor consists of three equally spaced trans-
ducers that produce ultrasonic signals. Wind speed and direction 
are determined by measuring the time it takes for the ultrasonic 
signal of one transducer to travel to the other transducers.

Precipitation is measured one raindrop at a time. Whenever a 
raindrop hits the precipitation sensor, an electrical signal is pro-
duced that is proportional to the volume of the drop.

The WXT520 has a PTU module that contains a capacitive silicon 
BAROCAP® sensor for barometric pressure measurements, a 
capacitive ceramic THERMOCAP® sensor for air temperature 
measurements, and a capacitive thin film polymer HUMICAP® 
sensor for relative humidity measurements. The PTU is housed in 
a naturally-aspirated radiation shield that protects it and reflects 
solar radiation.


The WXT520 is manufactured by Vaisala. 


Compatible dataloggers include the CR200(X)-series, CR800, CR850, CR1000, CR3000, CR5000, CR510, CR10(X), and CR23X.
