CanEVER® Audio
Via Como 43/2 – 30027 San Donà di Piave - Venice – Italy
Via P. Castaldi n.6 – 30020 Noventa di Piave – Venice – Italy
Mob. +39 335 7082807
P.IVA-VAT: IT04171260278 VIES validated - C.F.-Fiscal Code: CNVMRA60A22H823C
ZeroUno PLUS ULTRA Preamplifier
The ZeroUno PLUS ULTRA has been developed based on the experience acquired and lessons learned
from our top-of-the-line 90Wrms in pure class A La Scala power amplifier. La Scala exudes authority and
maintains absolute control of your loudspeakers, with an astonishing reproduction voted to a natural
reproduction in any style of music.
The 90Wrms are reached using only 6 components and without any capacitor in the signal path: mono
triode, and mono MOSFET, with full transformers coupling at the input, interstage, output and, last but not
least without capacitor on the signal.
ZeroUno ULTRA is the perfect partner of a reference power amplifier to reach the musical authority and
effortless ease.
Into the ULTRA there is the shortest possible signal path, with only 10 components used and without any
capacitor that can leave its fingerprint. Essentially one ECC82 and one JFET connected in parallel to form a
complementary couple, one amorphous core transformer, and 4 resistors. All the superfluous circuities have
been cancelled, for a reproduction as natural as possible.
Of course the power supplies are the core of the unit, with 90% of the electronic implemented occupied by
Instead of the ECC82 the ECC88 can be used, plug and play.
To finalize the electronic design a reference chain was settled up: turntable Thuono TH400, tonearm Thiele
TA01, very low output cartridge DV KARAT 17DX with gold coils, Aesthetic RHEA phonostage, LaScala
power amplifier, high definition and high efficiency loudspeakers Sigma Acoustic MAAT Vector.
Exhaustive investigation and auditioning have been done for the perfect selection and match of every
component inside the ULTRA, and some proprietary parts have been custom-designed.
The system was presented with success at the last HiEnd in Munich.
The basses are firm, well-defined, with massive attack. Together the gentle richness of detail at the medium
high frequencies contribute to the preamplifier’s ability to render the reproduction as natural as possible, with
three-dimensional realism and instrumental placement … what we call “natural listening”, or “slow sound” to
remember the "slow food" approach.
Both the ZeroUno SE, digital inputs only, and ZeroUno PLUS preamplifier, can be upgraded to the ULTRA