11/26/2012 Metal Detecto Set-Up Ceia 02PN8 Series Page 1 of 3
Metal Detector Set-Up Guide
Ceia 02PN8 Series
Metal Detector Placement
Generally, placement of the transmitter and
receiver coils is not critical to the installation of an
Isotec system. This is due to the isolation of the
structure against Eddie currents created by
surrounding metal. In some applications problems
with the installation can be minimized by the
proper placement of the transmitter and receiver
coils. It is recommended that the receiver coil (RX)
be place as far away as possible from the active
devices in the structure to minimize this effect as
depicted below.
Initial Setup
Isotec has run a number of tests to determine the
correct settings necessary to detect a weapon
passing through its Weapons Control Systems.
Compliance with these settings will assure a
reliable operation with little false alarms.
The system provides for an integrated metal
detection system that prevents exit from the portal
upon detection of objects configured above the set
limits. These limits of detection are set such that it
can detect the following weapons at typical heights
of head, waist, and ankle. The three-gun test used
by the Federal Government provides the basis for
all standards used by Isotec. The three guns used
in our tests are as follows:
Steel and aluminum alloy 0.25-caliber automatic pistol,
manufactured in Italy by Armi Tanfoglio Giuseppe, sold in
the United States by Excam as Model GT27B and by F.I.E.
as the Titan (weight: about 343 grams),
manufactured by American Derringer Corporation (weight:
about 200 grams),
Stainless steel 0.22-caliber long rifle mini-revolver;
manufactured by North American Arms (weight: about 129
Every system has a control panel located above
the metal detector for monitoring alarms and
programmable configurations as defined below.
Ceia Control Panel
Local Programming:
To make any configuration changes under the
level press the
Key then the
Enter User Level
To make any configuration changes under the
user” level press
Key then use
(increase) and
(decrease) keys
to enter the password by selecting the cyclical
sequence: of numbers and letters of 0-9 and A-Z.
Once a character is found use the
to move to next character. * Once passwords
characters are entered press the
one more time to enter programming.
During programming the metal detector is
To Exit the programming mode use the
key and all changes will be programmed into the
metal detector.**
*To obtain
the “Super
User” Password please conta
ct Isotec Security.
**The Metal Detector may restart.