10/04/06 www.ChariotCarriers.com 51100921
Baby Bivy
Congratulations on purchasing the Chariot Baby Bivy – a comfortable yet supportive carrying cot for
transporting your infant, and for moving them in or out of your Chariot without disturbing their slumber.
The Baby Bivy is only compatible with 2003 and newer Chariot CTS models (except the Caddie).
The Baby Bivy cannot be used with older models and cannot be installed in the Caddie, Cavalier, and
SideCarrier models.
Compatible models can be recognized by:
– Drilled holes in the lower front section of the carrier’s upper frame.
– Baby Bivy compatible lap belts, whose buckles are adjustable at both sides.
Initial Assembly time: About 5 minutes.
Tools Required: A 7/16” or 11mm open end or adjustable wrench and a Phillips drive screwdriver.
Recommended Size and Weight Restrictions
The Baby Bivy is recommended for use with infants between the ages of new born and 6 months old.
The maximum recommended infant weight and height for use in the Baby Bivy is 6 -18 lb/3 - 8 kg and
26 inches/66 cm.
A. Installing the Front Mounting Parts to your Carrier (one time installation)
Any reference to orientation (left or right) is from the passengers’ point of view while in the carrier.
Single-child carriers only require the steel D-ring installation described in the following 3 steps.
Note: If you’re attaching this Baby Bivy to a 2003 - 2005 model year Chariot, steps 2 and 3 below are
incorrect. Specifically, to secure the Baby Bivy’s D-rings in step 2 you must use the bolts that are
provided with the purchase of the Baby Bivy. Additionally, regarding step 3, the bolt head and the D-
ring should be positioned on the top side of the upper frame, and the nut on the bottom of the upper
The arrow indicates the location of the drilled hole with the permanently installed nut in the carrier’s
left front frame. See Figure 1.
Using a Philips screwdriver, remove the pre-installed bolt from the nut secured in the carrier’s upper
frame. See Figure 2.
Note: Do not use the hardware provided with the Baby Bivy.
Place the D-ring on to the bolt and re-install the bolt into the bottom side of the carrier’s upper frame.
See Figure 3.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3