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Summary of Contents for 152.211740

Page 1: ... Manuam Manuam de operaciones S MODEL NO 152 211740 CAUTION FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY Read and follow aH of the Safety and Operating hstructions before operating this Utility Sharpener Customer He_p_ine 1 Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 USA Part No 0R92163 ...

Page 2: ...rts List 13 Espa_ol 17 Service 32 FULL ONE YEAR WARRANTY Hfthis product fails due to a defect in material or workmanship within one year from the date of purchase RETURN HT TO THE NEAREST SEARS STORE OR CRAFTSMAN OUTLET and it wilI be replaced free of charge This warranty gives you specific lega rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state Sears Roebuck and Co Dept 817 ...

Page 3: ...he presence of flammable liquids or gases 5 ALWAYS keep the work area dean well iit and organized DO NOT work in an environment with floor surfaces that are slippery from debris grease and wax 6 KEEP WSITORS AND CHILDREN AWAY DO NOT permit people to be in the immediate work area especially when the electrical tool is operating 7 DO NOT FORCE THE TOOL to perform an operation for which it was not de...

Page 4: ...and in good working order Keep alI blades and tool bits sharp 21 EACH AND EVERY TIME CHECK FOR DAMAGED PARTS PRIOR TO USING THE TOOL CarefutIy check all guards to see that they operate properly are not damaged and perform their intended functions Check for alignment binding or breaking of moving parts A guard or other part that is damaged should be immediately repaired or replaced 22 CHILDPROOF TH...

Page 5: ...t material Always use properly fitting NIOSH OSHA approved respiratory protection appropriate for the dust exposure and wash exposed areas with soap and water SAVE THESE iNSTRUCTiONS GUIDE LINES FOR EXTENSUON CORDS tf you are using an extension cord outdoors be sure it is marked with the suffix W A CW in Canada to indicate that it is acceptable for outdoor use Be sure your extension cord is proper...

Page 6: ...nder stand thegrounding instructions orifyouarenotsure thetoolisproperly grounded USE ONLY A3 WIRE EXTENSION CORD THAT HAS A3 PRONG GROUNDING PLUG AND A 3 POLE RECEPTACLE THAT ACCEPTS THE TOOL S PLUG REPLACE A DAMAGED OR WORN CORD IMMEDIATELY Fig A 3 prong_ electrical receptacle groundingconductor _e electricalcord Fig B grounding adapter lug grounding __ conductor 3 prong electrical 3 wire electr...

Page 7: ...ATIONS Be sure that there are not any flammable materials in the vicinity NEVER FORCE THE WORKPIEOE AGAINST A GRINDING WHEEL especially if the wheel is cold Apply the workpiece slowly allowing the grinding wheel an opportunity to warm up This wilI minimize the chance of wheel breakage DO NOT grind using the sides of the grinding wheels DO NOT apply coolant directly to the grinding wheel THE DIAMET...

Page 8: ...rpener additionally has been outfitted with an electrical power switch that permits the grinding wheel to rotate in the Forward and Reverse directions The Utility Sharpener will put a sharp edge on knives scissors and fiat chisels with a minimal amount of effort and skill needed by the user Sharp tools cut more quickly safely and efficiently A dull edge will require the user to apply more pressure...

Page 9: andbetter job 4 SHARPEN thetools innumerous light pressure passes instead ofheavily pressing thetoolagainst thegrinding wheel Light passes willbesafer and produce amuch sharper edge onthetool Heavy passes willcreate aragged andrough edge onthe tool 5 DONOT sharpen tools thatarecracked orbent Adamaged toolshould be discarded 6 The Utility Sharpener IS NOT to be used as a Bench Grinder to remove ...

Page 10: ... pouring in the water The rotating grinding wheel will cause water to be splashed possibly onto the electrical switch 6 Plug in the power cord and turn ON the Utility Sharpener Let the tool run for one minute This will let the grinding wheel absorb some of the water and provide a cool grinding surface 7 After one minute turn OFF the Utility Sharpener and unplug the power cord from the electrical r...

Page 11: ...ened with the grinding wheel turning toward the blade However if you find it more comfortable you may sharpen with the wheel turning away from the blade 15 Proceed to Iay the item to be sharpened fiat onto the tool rest and hold onto it firmIy with both hands Slowly and Iightly putl the item across the rotating grinding wheel inspect the item after a few passes to check the progress The cutting ed...

Page 12: ...Motor does Machine not plugged in Plug power cord into electrical receptacle not run Power switch in OFF position Push switch to Forward or Reverse Power cord is faulty Return to Sears Service Center Fuse or circuit breaker are open Overloaded electrical circuit Damaged motor Return to Sears Service Center Motor does not Incorrect line voltage Have a qualified electrician check line for have full ...

Page 13: ...UND HEAD TAP SCREW M4 X 12rnrn 28 OR90 08 CLAMP 1 29 OR90 11 BUSHING 1 30 OR90112 WASHER 1 31 OR90113 SHARPENING WHEELASSY 1 32 OR90131 ROUND HEAD TAP SCREW 2 M4 X 12mrn 33 OR90108 CLAMP 1 34 OR90112 WASHER 1 35 OR9011 BUSHING 1 36 OR90056 HEX SOC SET SCREW 1 M4 X 6turn Key Pa_ No No 37 OR90110 38 OR90109 39 OR90132 40 OR90 33 41 OR90 44 42 OR90 15 43 OR90 14 44 OR90144 45 OR90 19 46 OR92 57 47 OR...

Page 14: ...UTIUTY SHARPENER PARTS UST MODEL NO 152 211740 1 3 4 15 37_ 38 43 44 14 ...

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Page 17: ...erencia futura RECTIFICADORA DE USOGENERAL NO DE MODELO 152 211740 PARA U PROPmA SEGURmDAD Lea y obedezca todas Has hstrucciones de Seguddad y de Operad6n antes de hacer uso de esta Rect icadora de Uso General Scars Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 USA Picza No OR92163 17 ...

Page 18: ...a_o desde Ia fecha de compra DEVUELVALO A LA TENDA SEARS O CRAFTSMAN MAS CERCANA y se Io reemplazara sin costo aiguno Esta garantia le concede derechos Iegales espedficos y usted tambien puede gozar de otros derechos que varfan de un estado aI otro Sears Roebuck and Co Depto 817 WA Hoffman Estates HL60179 USA 18 ...

Page 19: ...o ni tampoco las exponga a Iluvia 4 NO utilice herramientas electricas si hay gases o liquidos inflamables presentes 5 MANTENGA SBEMPREsu zona de trabajo limpia bien alumbrada y organizada NO TRABAJE en un entorno con superficies de piso resbalosas a consecuencia de los escombros la grasa y la cera 6 MANTENGA ALEJADOS A LOS NINOS Y VISITANTES No permita que haya personas en la zona inmediata de tr...

Page 20: ...roducirse heridas graves si la herramienta se vuelca o si usted hace contacto con la herramienta accidentalmente 18 NO ALMACENE nada por encima ni cerca de la mbquina en donde alguien pueda intentar pararse en la herramienta para alcanzarlo 19 MANTENGA SU EQUmUBRmO NO se extienda sobre la herramienta Haga uso de zapatos con suela de caucho resistente al aceite Mantenga el piso libre de escombros g...

Page 21: ...ventilaci6n y proporcione la extracci6n aprop ada del polvo Ut lice un sistema de recolecc 6n de polvo siempre que sea posible La expos c 6n al polvo puede causar da io respiratorio grave y permanente u otras her das incluyendo silicosis una enfermedad pulmonar grave ca ncery la muerte Evite respirar el polvo y ev te el contacto prolongado con e polvo El permitir la entrada de polvo en la boca o l...

Page 22: ...instruc ciones de conexion a tierra completamente o si no esta seguro que la herramienta est debidamente conectada a tierra SOLO UTmLmCE UNA EXTENSION ELECTRBCA DE 3 HBLOSQUE DISPONGA DE UN ENCHUFE DE CONEXION A TBERRA DE 3 MACHOS Y UN RECEPTACULO DE 3 POLOS QUE ACEPTE EL ENCHUFE DE LA MAQUINA REPONGA CUALQUmERCORDON DANADO O GASTADO mNMEDmATAMENTE Fig conexi6nAc nduct r aParat mac rrienteStierrad...

Page 23: ...CmON Aseg0rese de que no existan materiales inflamables en las cercanfas_ 2_ JAMAS FUERCE EL MATERmALCONTRA UNA RUEDA DE RECTmF CACBON especialmente si la rueda est fria_Aplique el material lentamente d ndole a la rueda de rectificaci6n la oportunidad de calentarse Esto reducira la posibilidad de la ruptura de la rueda NO RECTBFmQUE contra los lados de las ruedas de rectificaci6n NO APMQUE refrige...

Page 24: ...iones de afilado La Rectificadora de Use General per aSadidura ha side equipada con un interrupter de energia electrica que permite la rotaci6n de la rueda de rectificaci6n en las direcciones de avance y contramarcha La Rectificadora de Uso General darb file a cuchillos tiieras y cinceles pianos con una canti dad minima de esfuerzo y destreza per parte del cliente Las herramientas filosas cortan c...

Page 25: ...ntas con numerosos pases a presion ligera en vez de presionar fuertamente la herramienta contra la rueda de rectificaci6n Los pases ligeros serb nmas seguros y producir_ n un borde mas afilado sobre la herramienta Los pases pesados producir_ n un file mellado y rugoso en la herramienta NO RECTBFmQUE herramientas que esten agrietadas o torcidas Cuaiquier herramienta daSada debe descartarse La Recti...

Page 26: ... affade e agua ya que la rueda de rectificaci6n girante hara salpicar el agua posiblemente sobre el interruptor electrico 6 7 Enchufe el cordon de energia y ENC ENDA la Rectificadora de Uso General Permita que la herramienta funcione por un minuto Esto permitira que la rueda de rectificacJ6n absorba un poco de agua y ofrezca una superficie de rectificaci6n fresca Despues de un minuto APAGUE la Rec...

Page 27: ...on la rueda de rectificacJ6n girando hacia la hoja Sin embargo para su comodidad personal puede rea izar la rectificaci6n con la rueda girando en direcci6n opuesta a a hoja 15 Pase a colocar e articulo a set afilado de manera ptana sobre el portaherramientas sujet_ ndolo firmemente con ambas manes Tire del articulo lenta y ligeramente a o argo de a rueda de rectificacion girante Inspeccione el art...

Page 28: ... a tomacorrientes funoiona Intermptor de potencia en posici6n de Eleve et interruptor a la posici6n de encendido apagado OFF ON Cordon de potencia defectuoso Devuolva la unidad al Centro de Servido Soars Fusible o disyuntor de circuitos abierto Circuito electrico sobrecargado Motor da_iado Devoelva la unidad al Centro de Semicio Soars E motor no Voltaie de ffnoa incorrecto Haga que un eiectricista...


Page 30: ...USTADO DE PIEZAS DE LA RECTIFICADORA MODELO NO 152 2 1740 DE USO GENERAL 1 3 4 15 37_ 38 43 44 30 ...

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Page 32: ... like vacuums lawn equipment and electronics call or go on line for the nearest Sears Parts and Repair Center 1 800 488 1222 Anytime day or night U S A only www sears com To purchase a protection agreement U S A or maintenance agreement Canada on a product serviced by Sears 1 800 827 6655 U S A 1 800 361 6665 Canada Para pedirservicio de reparacm a domicilio y para ordenar piezas 1 888 SU HOGARsM ...
