Thank you for choosing the Proscenium Microphone. This product has been engineered and built using all original components
needed for the performance expected in demanding studio environments. We care about the Proscenium, and believe it will provide
you with a versatile recording capability. Like any fi ne instrument, reasonable care will result in long service.
Each microphone is built in our lab by people dedicated to excellence. Hugh Tripp has personally machined parts, and Bob Crowley
has personally tested every ribbon motor, transformer, and fi nished unit.
Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about the Proscenium. We take research, design, and development as
seriously as customer service.
Bob Crowley
Hugh Tripp
About the Proscenium
The Proscenium is a traditional response ribbon microphone designed for classical music applications. It has a warm sound
reminiscent of vintage ribbon designs, but with a modern design and increased effi ciency. Ideal where traditional ribbon warmth is
desired, particularly effective in classical music applications and in concert halls. It is a bi-directional, full size ribbon microphone
housed in a durable stainless steel casing. It is an effi cient instrument that delivers high output levels while maintaining a low noise
fl oor. The fi gure eight polar pattern of the Proscenium transducer enables you to capture the subtleties of performances in concert
halls, large rooms, and houses of worship. The Proscenium truly shines in Blumlein and various stereo arrays.
The internal transducer is designed to tailor bass response without attenuating the overall output. This produces a frequency response
that sounds full in the low and midrange. Utilizing an impedance-matched ribbon assembly, the microphone achieves an accurate
high range response, ideal for capturing fast transients in vocals, acoustic instruments, and in concert halls.
The Proscenium ribbon microphone incorporates a matched, full size transformer that minimizes signal loss and maximizes output.
The transformer is rigidly mounted to eliminate resonance and tighten bass response. It is also oriented 90° to the long axis of the
microphone, and is double shielded, to further reduce magnetic and radio frequency interference.
Crowley & Tripp Proscenium
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