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94ACC0174 Cable Cover IP65, with single USB
General Features
The Cable Cover IP65, with single USB extends the VMC with the possibility to plug a USB device (1.0
or 2.0) on the VMC when the cable cover is closed.
The pack contains the following components
1x Cable Cover IP65, with single USB
4x M3x10 phillips head
4x cable passage type 1
3x cable passage type 2
5x cable passage type 3
6x cable tie
Assembling cable passage on the VMC
There are 3 types of cable passages
Depending on the cable diameter choose the best fitting cable passage type
1 or type 2. Cut the cable passage on the thin side (circle marked).
Insert the cable with the mounted cable passage
in the VMC housing (the wide side of the passage
must be on top). Use closed cable passage for
unused cable slots.
Assembling Cable Cover IP65, with single USB
Connect the USB cable on the backside of the
Type 1:
e.g. USB Cable
Type 2:
e.g. power cord
Type 3:
no cable