ASG Tech Note: Connecting and Communicating with UX8800
This tech note will help you understand how to connect and communicate with EAW
UX8800 Digital Processor
Accessories that ship with your UX8800
CAT 5 Crossover cable 7 ft/ 2.1 m
IEC Power cable 6 ft/ 2 m with Nema 15-3 ac mains plug for 115V / 120V
IEC Power cable 6 ft/ 2 m with Schuko type ac mains plug for 220V / 240V
If any of these items were not included in your package please contact EAW @ 800-992-5013
1. Please read the manual
2. Downloading the latest version of EAWPilot control
software and UX8800 Greyboxes from the EAW website
3. Setting up network IP addresses
4. Verify firmware version and update if needed by
downloading Firmware Updater from the EAW website
5. Connecting your UX8800 to EAW Pilot control software