SerieS N2/K2 Tubular gagecocKS
InstallatIon, operatIon and maIntenance InstructIons
before installation these instructions must be read fully and understood
VCIOM-04034-en 18/03
PrOduCt warranty
emerson warrants its Penberthy products
as designed and manufactured to be free
of defects in the material and workmanship
for a period of one year after the date of
installation or eighteen months after the date
of manufacture, whichever is earliest. emerson
will, at its option, replace or repair any products
which fail during the warranty period due to
defective material or workmanship.
Prior to submitting any claim for warranty
service, the owner must submit proof of
purchase to emerson and obtain written
authorization to return the product. Thereafter,
the product shall be returned to emerson with
freight prepaid.
This warranty shall not apply if the product has
been disassembled, tampered with, repaired
or otherwise altered outside of the emerson
factory, or if it has been subject to misuse,
neglect or accident.
The responsibility of emerson hereunder is
limited to repairing or replacing the product
at its expense. emerson shall not be liable for
loss, damage or expenses related directly or
indirectly to the installation or use of its products
or from any other cause or for consequential
damages. it is expressly understood that
emerson is not responsible for damage or injury
caused to other products, buildings, personnel
or property, by reason of the installation or use
of its products.
This is Emerson's sole warranty and in lieu of
all other warranties, expressed or implied which
are hereby excluded, including in particular all
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose.
This document and the warranty contained
herein may not be modified and no other
warranty, expressed or implied, shall be made
by or on behalf of emerson unless made in
writing and signed by the company's general
manager or director of engineering.
table OF COntents
Product warranty ................................................ 1
1 about the manual..................................... 2
2 Introduction ............................................. 2
2.1 System description ...................................... 2
3 available models ..................................... 3
3.1 Design ratings at max. & min. operating
temperatures ............................................... 3
3.2 Steam application ........................................ 3
4 Inspection ................................................ 4
4.1 user rating inspection ................................. 4
5 Installation ............................................... 4
5.1 Mounting ....................................................... 4
5.2 Tubular glass installation ............................ 4
5.3 guard rod installation .................................. 4
6 Operation ................................................. 5
6.1 Hydrostatic test ............................................ 5
7 Maintenance ............................................ 5
7.1 Preventative maintenance ........................... 5
7.2 ball check shut-off ...................................... 5
7.3 Troubleshooting ........................................... 6
8 removal - disassembly - reassembly ..... 6
8.1 Disassembly ................................................. 6
8.2 reassembly .................................................. 7
9 disposal at end of useful life ................... 7
10 telephone assistance .............................. 7
11 exploded parts diagram .......................... 8
tables and figures
Table 1 - Standard features .............................. 3
Table 2 - Design ratings .................................... 3
Table 3 - Tubular glass ratings ........................ 3
Figure 1 - PTFe tape wrapping .......................... 4
Figure 2 - exploded parts diagram ................... 8
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