Placing the soft dome
The ability to hear in noisy environments is dependent upon a good fi t. You
can test which soft dome is best for you based on the size of your ear canal as
well as what feels most comfortable to you. Start with a ‘medium’ closed soft
dome* and slide it straight over the speaker opening of the MaRiC in-the-ear
module. You’re wearing the right size when the device sits fi rmly in the ear and
feels comfortable for you. Once you fi nd the right size of soft dome, you can test
whether the open or closed soft dome in this size fi ts more comfortably.
Switching the device
Switch the device off by opening
the battery door a little, until the
fi rst click.
Removing the soft dome
Remove the soft dome by pushing it to the outer end of the
MaRiC in-the-ear module with your fi ngernail. Then remove
the soft dome using your fi ngertips.
Removing the device from the ear
To remove the device, fi rst pull the MaRiC in-the-ear
module gradually out of the ear canal by the cable, after
which you can lift the device off the ear.
Placing the battery
Open the battery door and place the battery with the sticker with the plus sign
(+) facing upwards. Remove the sticker; you can now close the battery door.
Switching the device on
Switch the device on by closing the battery
door. The device is now ready for use and is
set to program
Placing the device on and
in the ear
Check which device goes in the left and right ear
before you start wearing the device. The device
for your right ear has a MaRiC in-the-ear module
with a red mark, and the left device has a MaRiC
in-the-ear module with a blue mark. Place the
device on the ear with the cable facing forward.
Bring the MaRiC in-the-ear module towards the
ear canal and push it gently inwards as far as
possible. You can insert the device deeply into
the ear without damaging the eardrum.
Contents of the package
Ytango Lite
Introduction set of soft domes
made of hypoallergenic material
(S, M, L, open and
closed version)
Batterij (type 312)
Quick start guide
MaRiC® in-the-ear
* Check ‘troubleshooting’ at the backside of the quick start guide if the soft dome doesn’t fi t correctly.
Switching programs with the AirTAP™
Switch programs with the AirTAP™ functionality by softly tapping the ear twice
(with approximately half a second in between the two taps). It is important
that the ear is closed off with the fi ngers, so that the device properly notes the
diff erence in air pressure. The number of beeps indicates which program is in
* Check ‘Use of diff erent listening programs’ on the backside of the quick start guide.
• In order to get accustomed to the Ytango Lite we advise a continuous wearing period
of one hour.. Subsequently, increase the wear time one hour each day. The eventual
wearing time per day will vary due to situation(s) in which you need the device. It
is important to increase usage time slowly, due to the possibility of hearing certain
sounds such as the rustling of paper, fl ushing the toilet etc. After 10 to 14 days, your
brain will be accustomed to the new sounds and will become less conspicuous.
• Clean the device daily after use. Check ‘Cleaning of the Ytango Lite’ at the backside of
the quick start guide.
• If the battery is almost dead, the device will indicate this every 10 minutes with a series
of double beeps. Replace the battery in a timely manner and make sure you always have
an accessible spare battery.
Tips for optimal use
Using the telephone
Switch the device to program
Hold the phone against your ear at
the front, but keep the phone a little
further away (about 45°) from your
ear at the back.
Connect cable of the MaRiC® module with device
Insert the cable to the connector of the device. The easiest way to do this is with
a wobbling movement. Push the connector properly into the device.