Designer Slide Showers
Fit the cover buttons back onto the mounting
brackets, taking care to match the lug on the cover
to the notch in the bracket.
Slide Rail Installation
Carefully remove cover buttons from the mounting
brackets with a screwdriver as shown.
Fit the soap dish and slider onto the rail, sliding down
from the top of the rail as shown.
Select a location for the slide rail which is easily
reached and convenient for the user(s), preferably
over a wall stud or nog.
Using a level and the rail as a guide, mark and pre-drill
top and bottom mounting holes.
(If installing into wallboard or concrete, use toggles
provided by pre-drilling both top and bottom mounting
holes to 9.5mm diameter. Squeeze to close each
toggle and push in until flush with the wall).
Insert the screws provided through the mounting
brackets and into the pre-drilled holes. Tighten the
screws until the rail is firm against the wall.