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Tempo Trainer
“The Tempo Trainer radically
changed my team. We don’t
even use a stop watch in
warm up at meets anymore.
I think it’s going to be the
biggest change in training in
the last twenty years!”
- Clark Campbell
Head Swim Coach,
University of Kansas
eliminate the “lows” from your workout!
control your pace
“Tempo Trainers are
required swim equipment
within all our swimmer's
gear bags.”
- Dr. Dave Salo,
Head Swim Coach,
Irvine Novaquatics
2003 USA Coach /
World Championship
What is the Tempo Trainer?
The Tempo Trainer acts as a personal pace coach that elevates training and maximizes
performance. It is quickly becoming the standard training tool that elite coaches consistently
use to improve their athletes’ abilities. The Tempo Trainer is a small electronic device that
transmits an audible beep to help develop consistency of stroke and stroke cycle rate, as
well as to identify and distinguish between optimal training and race paces.
Why do I need the Tempo Trainer?
A smart race means a smart pace. Go out too fast, and you die all over the place. Too
slow, and you’re never in the race. The Tempo Trainer is the best available tool to help you
focus on achieving the optimum combination of stroke length and stroke rate, the two
most critical factors to swimming efficiently.
Today’s top coaches agree that maintaining a consistent pace is crucial to achieving
success in competition. Regardless of the event, working out with the Tempo Trainer is the
best method to achieve your optimum performance.
What does the Tempo Trainer give me?
Isolates two primary fundamentals for controlling speed: distance per
stroke and stroke rate
Teaches you to maintain speed through proper development of rhythm
Real-Time Feedback
Alerts you immediately to any fade or breakdown in your workout
Muscle Memory
Reinforces a consistent pace through fixed repetition
Allows you to set your own personal benchmark to gauge overall
performance and monitor improvements
Regulates your pace from the beginning to the end of your workout,
eliminating risk of burnout