VK3YNG Sniffer 4 Instruction Manual (for V2.2 hardware)
© 2004, Bryan Ackerly, VK3YNG
Rev 2.2a
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VK3YNG Foxhunt Sniffer Instruction Manual
(Updated version for version 2.2 hardware***)
The VK3YNG Foxhunt Sniffer is a specially designed synthesised VHF direction
finding receiver covering 120MHz and 144MHz bands.
The receiver is designed for quickly finding the direction of beacons or hidden
transmitters. Anything from distant weak signals to very close “sniffing” of
transmitters running many watts of output power can be pin pointed accurately
without suffering “overload” problems that plague other designs. Full auto-ranging
operation allows the operator to quickly and intuitively locate the source of a signal
without twiddling knobs or watching meters. The operator is freed to concentrate on
more important things such as negotiating terrain or reading maps.
The unit is also available in a fully tested Board level format for those who wish to
integrate the unit into other equipment or build their own housing.
A number of features have changed since earlier versions of the sniffer
were released. This manual reflects operation of version 2.2 hardware and cannot be
used for earlier versions of the MK4 sniffer. For a copies of earlier sniffer manuals
please refer to the VK3YNG foxhunt web site (see the end of this manual).