GE Zenith Controls, Inc.
830 West 40th Street Chicago, IL 60609 / Telephone: (800) 637-1738
rev 9-5-2012
GE Digital Energy
Power Quality
General Electric LP11-U UPS Startup Checklist
The purpose of this startup checklist is to eliminate any problems during system startup due to
incorrect wiring or installation. It is recommended that the entire installation / user manual be
reviewed prior to installation and operation. The LP11-U UPS can be configured either by the
customer or contractor by following all safety precautions. If onsite startup support is required
for any reason, this pre-startup checklist must be completed before a GE technician can be
scheduled to perform the start up or support of the UPS system.
***Very Important Notes***
Note 1 – Battery fuse:
The GE LP11-U UPS battery fuse is located in the bag taped to the top of the UPS along with
the system manual and a jumper used to configure the output of the UPS. A sticker on the bag
states "DO NOT DISCARD". Secure the fuse and jumper in a safe location and provide to the
GE field engineer for system startup. Please notify GE Power Quality Service immediately if the
fuse or jumper are missing. UPS cannot be started without the battery fuse.
Note 2 – UPS Input / Output:
The GE LP11-U UPS is delivered as 208vAC input and 208vAC
output unless otherwise ordered. To modify the input and output voltages there are both
mechanical and electronic modifications that must be performed.
Note 3 – External Maintenance Bypass:
The LP11-U UPS has an internal single phase
transformer that caused a phase shift between the input and output voltage. If an external
maintenance bypass is to be utilized, a single phase transformer must be installed in the
maintenance bypass path to compensate for this phase shift. Contact GE prior to installing an
external maintenance bypass.
Note 4 – LP11-U UPS units in parallel:
Parallel units should be ordered in this configuration so
they can be tested prior to shipment to the site. If field installation is required, it is
recommended that this be performed by a qualified GE technician.
Date: _______________________ UPS Serial #s:
Company Name:
Principal contact:
Principal’s e-mail Address:
Principal’s phone number:
Installing contractor:
phone #: