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User Manual
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Guidelines for operating environment
Please do not operate your laptop in a dirty or dusty environment.
Do not use your laptop in a moist place, such as exposing it in rain or humidity; don’t
use it in moist basement; Never leave your laptop near the electrical cooker or kettle
full of vapor.
Do not expose the laptop to the direct sunlight for long time. Never leave your laptop
in the car with direct sun shining.
Always keep the venting holes clear. Do not operate the laptop on soft surface; such
as the quilt, sofa or blanket, to make sure venting hole can work normally and avoid
the laptop over heat. Also please leave the laptop keep away from electrical heater or
furnace to keep good ventilation.
Do not keep laptop in cold (under 0
) or high temperature (above 50
), which may
lead to hardware working unnormally.
Do not put the laptop near magnetic field.
t place the laptop on unstable go-cat, chair or desk, to avoid any damage once
laptops slip down.
Do not put heavy objects on the laptops, to avoid any damage.
Make sure the laptop free of dramatic shock or impact; always use proper bag to
carry the laptop, don
t hide many things in the bag to avoid any damage to the LCD
Never spill any liquid to the laptop; never eating when using the computer, keep the
drinks far away, to avoid the food or drink spoil any components or cause malfunction.
Do not use the computer by wetting hand, to avoid water soaking inside.
Shut down your laptop when plane taking off or landing off. Do not use the laptop
near the medical
apparatus in hospital.
Instructions for Laptop using
Do not use laptop for long time, which could cause tiredness or injury. Watching the
LCD screen could cause eyestrain; keeping your body in the same pose for long time
or repeating same action may result in muscle injury, such as operating keyboard,
touch pad or mouse frequently or long time.
Please adjust LCD screen angle, height of desk and chair to get most convenient and
comfortable position.