XXV Pellet Stove Owners Manual
SaVe theSe inStructiOnS
installation & Operating Manual
“Ce manuel est disponible en Français sur demande”
SaFetY nOtice
PleaSe read thiS entire Manual beFOre YOu inStall and uSe YOur new rOOM heater. Failure
tO FOllOw inStructiOnS MaY reSult in PrOPertY daMage, bOdilY injurY, Or eVen death.
FOr uSe in the u.S. and canada. Suitable FOr inStallatiOn in MObile hOMeS.
iF thiS harMan StOVe iS nOt PrOPerlY inStalled, a hOuSe Fire MaY reSult. FOr YOur SaFetY,
FOllOw inStallatiOn directiOnS.
cOntact lOcal building Or Fire OFFicialS abOut reStrictiOnS and inStallatiOn inSPectiOn
reQuireMentS in YOur area.
cOntact YOur lOcal authOritY (Such aS MuniciPal building dePartMent, Fire dePartMent,
Fire PreVentiOn bureau, etc.) tO deterMine the need FOr a PerMit.
cette guide d'utiliSatiOn eSt diSPOnible en FrancaiS. chez VOtre cOnceSSiOnnaire de
harMan hOMe heating.
# 3-90-00684