A - Model Name
B - Serial Number
C - EN Standard
D - Two Person Use
E - Working Load Limit
F - Read User Manual
G - Manufacturer
H - Country of Origin
Two Person Use
WLL: 400kg
EN795:20012 b
Tested in accordance to:
RAFA L (Rope Access Fast
Anchor - L)
These instructions DO NOT inform you of every possible
hazard and every conceivable risk relating to the use of
this equipment.
The environment where this equipment can be used may
be inherently dangerous. Activities performed within
these environments carry a high risk of injury and death.
Although proper training and experience may reduce this
risk, ultimately the risk cannot be eliminated.
Do not use this equipment unless you fully understand and
assume all risks and responsibilities for all damage / injury
/ death that may result from use of this equipment or the
activities undertaken with it.
This equipment is intended for use by medically fit,
specifically trained and experienced users.
All users of this equipment must obtain and thoroughly
understand the user instructions and refer to them before
each use.
Any time a person is suspended by a rope based system,
a secondary system should be in place in case of a
component failure. You must always have a backup and
never trust a life to a single tool or component.
The user must have a rescue plan and the means to
implement it. Inert suspension in a harness can quickly
result in death!
Do not use around electrical hazards, moving machinery, or
near sharp edges or abrasive surfaces.
Do not exceed the working load limit of the equipment.
Verify compatibility with other components of your
system. Incompatible connections can cause detachment,
breakage, etc.
Highnovate is not responsible for any direct, indirect or
accidental consequences or damage resulting from the use
or misuse of this product.
The user must stay up to date! Regularly access the Rock
Exotica website and read the latest advice and user
12 Remez st.
Kiryat Tivon
The RAFA L is a portable and fast anchor device. It was designed
to be used in an urban environment and can be rapidly placed on
a variety of structural elements you can find in a building or on a
roof. It adusts easily to fit different beams, edges, walls etc. The
device can be used as a rope access anchor, or work placement
connection point as part of a PPE system. Afterwards it can be
easily removed or placed In a different spot.
Limitations On Use:
The RAFA L is designed to be part of a PPE system that will
protect the user against falls from height during work activities
when used in conjunction with a full body harness and a device
that limits the load transmitted to the user to 6 KN.
It is impossible to imagine all the ways this equipment can be
misused. It must be used only for the specific purpose it was
designed for; it must not be used for any other. Only the loading
in the “OK” box is allowed. Each user is responsible for making
a risk assessment prior to using this product.
The product was designed to work in a temperature range of -20
to +50 degrees celsius (-4 to 122 degrees fahrenheit).
Unlimited for metal products, but will often be much less de-
pending on conditions and frequency of use; it could even be a
single use in some cases.
Environmental Factors:
Moisture, ice, salt, sand, snow, chemicals and other factors can
prevent proper operation or can greatly accelerate wear.
It is intended for use by medically fit, specifically trained and
experienced users. Never use this device if you are feeling ti-
red, drowsy or under the effect of alcohol, drugs or any other
substance that may affect your judgement or limits your physical
Any equipment used with the RAFA L must be certified for use as
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). An incompatible connec-
tion can cause accidental disconnection, breakage, or affect the
safety function of another piece of equipment. You must verify
the suitability of this equipment for use in your application with
regard to applicable governmental regulations and other stan-
dards on occupational safety.
If re-sold outside the original country of destination, CE guidel-
ines require the re-seller of the RAFA L to provide instructions
for use, maintenance, periodic examination and for repair in
the language of the country in which this product is to be used.
Principal Material Aluminum alloy, anodized.
Inspection Before & After Each Use:
In addition to the detailed periodic inspection, the RAFA L must
be inspected before and after each use. Check all parts for
cracks, deformation, corrosion, wear, etc. Verify sliding beam,
leg joints and lever all move and rotate freely. Verify the security
of the Lock Lever when in locked position. Verify that the legs
rotate freely when the Leg Release Button(s) is pushed, and that
the legs lock securely when the button is released. The function
of these parts must not be impaired by foreign matter such as
dirt, ice, corrosion, etc.
If any signs of significant wear appear on the rubber foot pads,
replace them before using the anchor again. A replacement kit
is available from an authorized distributor.
Inspection During Use:
Regularly inspect and monitor your system, confirming the
correct positioning of the RAFA L and tension against the
supporting anchor. Prevent any contact between the RAFA L
anchor and any other objects that can interfere with the ability
to arrest a fall, or move it from its original placement. If during
usage the RAFA L starts to move from its placement, stop using
it immediately. Do not continue until you can establish a suitable
Detailed Inspection:
In addition to inspection before, during and after each use, a
detailed inspection by a competent inspector must be done at
least every 12 months or more frequently depending on amount
and type of use, government regulations, and environmental
conditions. Check all parts for:
• Sharp edges
• Nicks, gouges, dings, wear, scratches or indentations
deeper than 1mm
• Permanent deformation
Instructions for Use
Tested in Accordance to:
EN795:2012 TYPE B
REGULATION (EU) 2016/425
Made in the
using foreign
and domestic materials
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Slider Button
Slider Beam
Leg Release
Leg Release
Front Leg
Front Foot
Locking Lever
RAFA Parts
Using the RAFA Anchor
Connecting to the Anchor
Correct Direction of Load
Installation of the Anchor
Fig. 4
1.Start with the folded RAFA
2. Press the Leg Release Buttons (2)
4. Extend the legs and clamp to suitable anchor. Place Slider Beam
in contact with
surface of the structural element.
3. Press the Slider Button in order to
extend the legs to fit the structural element.
5. Press the leg handle completely
down to lock the anchor firmly in a
clamp position.
6. To release the clamp, pull
the end of the sleave outward
and lift up.
B. Use the connection eye
to connect a rope or a
ladder to the RAFA using
a standard carabiner or
a sling.
A. Make sure that
the feet fit tightly
and the lever is
Fig. 3
C. The load should only be applied as indicated “Ok” below. Take precautions
to not pull the anchor in excess of 15 degrees to either side as it may cause
displacement. Do not pull above the achor point.
window edges and walls that are strong and stable.
onsult an engineer or a person qualified to assess the strength
of the anchor.
Make sure that the anchor is stable before using. Try to move it to
the sides and to the direction in which it should be loaded. Check
that it is not moving or tilting.
The anchor should normally be above the user’s position and
conform to the applicable standard.
The placement should take
into consideration the possibility of a fall
and should minimize the
potential fall distance or hitting an obstacle. You are responsible
to verify the suitability of this equipment and your anchor and
other gear with regard to governmental, and all other other,
applicable standards. The clearance under the user must be
sufficient to prevent him from striking an obstacle in case of a
fall (the length of the connector can influence the height of a fall).
For Fall Arrest:
The user shall be equipped with a means of limiting the maximum
dynamic forces exerted on the user during the
arrest of a fall to a maximum of 6 kN
The full magnitude of force from the load is transmitted through
the RAFA L to the anchors attached to the structure.The maxi-
mum load that can be transmitted is 9kn.
When the RAFA L is used in accordance with EN 795 as a per-
sonal fall protection anchor, the RAFA L shall not be used for
lifting equipment.
To comply with ANSI, follow these requirements:
The Anchorage strength required depends on the application
type. Following are the requirements of ANSI 359.1 for these
application types:
Anchorage & anchorage strength :
Anchorage and anchorage strength requirements are dependent
on the full body harness application. In accordance with ANSI
Z3559.1, anchorages selected for fall arrest systems must meet
the anchorage strength requirements defined below.
Anchorage Strength Requirements
Fall Arrest
Non-Certified Anchorage: 5000 lbs. (23 kN)
Certified Anchorage: 2 Times the Maximum Arresting Force for
Certified Anchorage
Non-Certified Anchorage: 1,000 (4,5 kN)
Certified Anchorages: 2 times the foreseeable force for certified
Work Positioning
Non-Certified Anchorages: 3,000 lbs (13.3 kN)
Certified Anchorage: 2 times the foreseeable force for certified
Non-Certified Anchorage: 3,000 lbs (13.3 kN)
Certified Anchorage: 5 times the foreseeable force for certified
The structure which a climbing system is attached must sustain
the loads required by that particular system. See the instructions
for the climbing system for requirements.
MBS Horizontal Pull
15 kN, 22 kN
MBS Vertical Pull
22 kN
Wall / Beam Thickness
≤ 41 cm
4.5 kg
Dimensions Folded
35 x 11 x 8 cm
(13.7” x 4.3” x 3.1”)
Tested in accordance to EN795b for two person use
Rear Foot
Rear Leg
15° 15°
Fig. 5
Position Indicator
22kN Strength Indicator
Horizontal MBS:
Position Indicator
15kN Strength Indicator
Horizontal MBS:
36 - 41 cm
< 36 cm
The horizontal pull strength of the RAFA L is
dependent upon the length of extension of the Slider
Refer to the markings on the top and side of
the RAFA to verify position of Slider Beam and
associated MBS before use.
15° 15°
• Misalignment of joining parts
• Bent, twisted, distorted, stretched, elongated,
cracked, or broken components
• Unauthorized replacement components
• Legibility of the product markings
• Evidence of:
a. Being dropped
b. Excessive loading
c. Corrosion
d. Exposure to heat, including weld spatter, arc
strikes, or discoloration of the surface
e. Unauthorized modification or repair
Retire from service immediately if the RAFA:
1. Arrests a fall or is significantly loaded.
2. Does not pass inspection or there is any doubt about its safety.
3. Is misused, altered, damaged, exposed to harmful chemicals,
Do not return to service until the unit in question has been
inspected and approved for use in writing by a competent
person that is authorized to do so. Contact the manufacturer
if you have any doubts or concerns.
Inspections should be performed by a competent person
whose training meets the applicable standards and/or laws
for the inspection of life safety equipment. An inspection log
including the date, inspectors name, and result of the inspection
should be kept as a permanent record. It is best to issue
new equipment to each user so they know its entire history.
Repairs or modifications to the equipment are only allowed
by the manufacturer or those authorized in writing by the
Make a copy of these instructions and use one as the permanent
inspection record and keep the other with the equipment. It is
recommended that a similar record is kept for all components
used in a system.
It is best to issue new gear to each user so they know its entire
history. Periodic detailed inspection shall use the same criteria
as inspection before and after each use. Additionally, periodic
inspection will verify legibility of product markings. User safety
depends upon the durability and correct function of the equip-
Maintenance & Storage:
Clean if necessary with fresh water, then allow to dry naturally
completely before storing. If there is still dirt in the moving parts,
use air pressure to remove it. Light surface corrosion may be
removed with a wire brush (no power tools). Retire if corrosion
is heavy. Store or transport in a dry place away from extremes of
heat and cold and avoid exposure to chemicals.
With the exception of the rubber feet, repairs or modifications to
equipment are only allowed by the manufacturer or those autho-
rized in writing by the manufacturer.
The RAFA anchor should be placed only on solid parts in a struc-
ture that are strong enough to hold the force that may be applied
during usage. It can be placed on doorways, concrete beams,