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Quick Check® 800 Series

Barcode reproduction accuracy is critical throughout the supply 

chain.  Honeywell helps assure that you can produce, receive, 

and use barcodes meeting these tough requirements with Quick 

Check desktop barcode verifi ers.  The QC800 verifi ers analyze 

barcode quality against traditional quality parameters and ISO/IEC 

barcode print quality guidelines.  Each unit includes all standard 

symbologies and is manufactured and traceable to NIST (National 

Institute of Standards and Technology) standards developed by 

the UCC (Uniform Code Council) and AIM (Automatic Identifi cation 


The QC800 Series Bar Code Verifi er offers the convenience of 

simple point-and-shoot verifi cation through the use of a QC3800VE, 

a customized, 3800 handheld linear imager.  Quickly perform pass/

fail testing of dimensional and format quality parameters like average 

bar deviation, wide-to-narrow ratios, encodation, and ISO/IEC 

decodability.  Full traditional and ISO/IEC dimensional, refl ectance, 

and format tests can also be performed using optional mouse and 

pen style wands.  In mouse wands choose from 3, 5, 6, 10, and 20 

mil sizes, and in pen wands choose from 5, 6, and 10 mil sizes. 

Results can be sent to a PC via an RS-232 communication interface 

or the QCViewerII software.  If a PC is not available, detailed hard-

copy results can be printed using the optional Quick Check printer. 

Rechargeable batteries give users the fl exibility to take the QC800 

wherever barcode verifi cation is required.

Test ISO/IEC and Traditional Quality Parameters 

Menu-Driven for Easy Use

LCD and LEDs Display Test Results Instantly

Command Codes for Instant Programming

QC3800VE for simple point and shoot testing

Full ISO/IEC when using optional Mouse and Pen wands

Rechargeable batteries and integrated display enable taking 
the QC800 series anywhere verifi cation capabilities are 

Barcode Verifi er

