IBM Flex System Storage Expansion Node
IBM Flex System Storage Expansion Node
IBM Redbooks Product Guide
The IBM® Flex System™ Storage Expansion Node is a locally attached storage node that is dedicated
and directly attached to a single half-wide compute node. The Storage Expansion Node provides storage
capacity for Network Attach Storage (NAS) workloads, providing flexible storage to match capacity,
performance, and reliability needs.
Ideal wokloads include distributed database, transactional database, NAS infrastructure, video
survellance and streaming solutions.
Figure 1 shows the IBM Flex System Storage Expansion Node attached to an IBM Flex System x240
Compute Node.
Figure 1. IBM Flex System Storage Expansion Node (right) attached to an x240 Compute Node (left)
Did you know?
The Storage Expansion Node adds 12 drive bays to the attached compute node and all bays in the
expansion node are hot-swap. The drive bays slide out on an internal rail system; provided that a suitable
RAID level is employed, a failed drive can be removed while the system is still running. With storage
capacity of up to 12 TB, the Storage Expansion Node is ideal for applications that can use large amounts
of additional local storage.