Part Number: 46L3834
ThinkPad 570E
Supplement to User's Manuals
You can use the
ThinkPad 570 User's Reference (P/N 27L8798) for your ThinkPad 570E
computer. This supplement presents additions and updates to the information in the user's
reference and the preloaded online book. Use this information instead of the corresponding
section in both of the user's manuals.
“Important safety instructions” on page 2
Presents the safety information.
“Information to be added to the user's reference” on page 4
Presents the information unique to the ThinkPad 570E.
“Updates to the user's reference” on page 7
Presents the updated information of the user's reference.
“Installing the operating systems” on page 10
Includes the following additions and updates to the online book.
Additional information:
– “Installing Windows 98 Second Edition” on page 11
Your ThinkPad 570E computer supports Windows 98 Second Edition. If you install
Windows 98 Second Edition, refer to this section.
Windows 98 is preloaded when you purchase the computer.
To install the support software, use the procedure give in the online book for Windows 98.
Updated information:
– “Installing Windows 98” on page 12
– “Installing Windows 95” on page 15
Copyright IBM Corp. 2000