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Copyright 2009 © IPitomy Communications, LLC
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IPr20 Quick Guide
The IPr20 is a 2 port FXS gateway that allow for integration of analog devices with your IP PBX.
Accessing the IPr20
1. Connect the WAN port of the IPr20 to your network
2. Log into the PBX
3. Navigate to Destinations=>Extensions
4. Click
to scan your network
5. Search the page for the IPr20 MAC and note the IP address of the IPr20
Configuring the IPr20
Registering to the PBX
1. In your web browser, enter the IP address for the IPr20
2. Login to the IPr20
Username: admin
Password: voip
3. Navigate to SIP=>Server
4. Under Primary Server Settings set the *Address, Domain Name, and Outbound Proxy IP
to the IP address of the PBX
5. For *Port and Outbound Proxy Port enter 5060
6. Leave the rest of the settings at their defaults