Dear customer,
Thank you for purchasing our product. In the following are information
which you should note before commissioning. Whenever you have
unfore seeable problems do not hesitate to contact us.
Today, USB connections are not only found at PCs, but also at power
banks, in cars or in trains. But not all connections are of best quality and
deliver even currents and voltages.
With the JT-UM25C, you always have all values in view. The meter supports
additional functions such as Quickcharge 2.0 and 3.0, as well as Apple 2.4
A, 2.1 A, 1 A, 0.5 A and Android DCP, and also offers convenient evaluation
via a wireless interface. With a measuring range of up to 24 V and 5 A, the
JT-UM25C is suitable for practically all applications. The integrated 1.44”
LCD display can be regulated in five brightness levels and provides always
an overview of all measured values.