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S81120 FAQS
We are weather enthusiasts like you and know proper running equipment is important. These
FAQS provide valuable information on setup, positioning, and troubleshooting your station.
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BATTERIES: What do I need to know about batteries?
What are the power requirements for this station?
POWER INPUT: Will this station work in other countries?
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SETUP: How do I setup my station?
MOUNTING: Where do I mount/position my sensor?
What is Distance | Resistance | Interference?
How do I interpret the Current Wind Readings?
Help me understand the Wind History Readings.
How do I reset the Wind History Readings?
How Often does my Wind Sensor Update?
How Often does my Temp/Humidty Sensor Update?
How do I view my HI and LO Temperature/Humidity Readings?
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How do I reset the Temperature/Humidity Readings?
What is Feels Like and Dew Point Temperature?
How do I view Indoor Temperature/Humidity?
Full Weekday or Calendar Display?
TIME: Does this station have Atomic Time?
How do I manually set the time?
BACKLIGHT: Does this station have a backlight?