Quick start guide
4-step installation guide
The HDMOD-1 can be programmed on the field using the following simple 3 steps*:
Step No 1
Power up the HDMOD-1 by adding the external power supply (12VDC/1A). The HDMOD-1
will need 20-30secs to initialize itself. The SSD (Seven Segment Display – No2) depicts the
initialization status.
Step No 2
On power-up the HDMOD-1 enters in “
Chanel mode
” and the “Channel LED” (No.4) is on.
By pressing the “Channel/Profile” button (No.1) the user is able to switch between “Channel”
or “Profile” mode. With the “Up/Down” buttons (No.3) select the desired RF output channel
between VHF E05…E12 and UHF C21…C69. Wait 10secs for the PLL to lock.
Step No 3
Adjust the output RF level using the output 20dB attenuator from 70dBμV to 90dBμV.
Step No 4
Select the “
” and the Profile number beginning from No 1 and keep ascending
for each modulator in the same CATV installation.
For example:
No 1
for the first modulator
for the second modulator
for the 10
modulator etc…
*The HDMOD-1 offers advanced programming features from a PC software via a USB interface.