LF101XF function decoder
The DIGITAL plus by Lenz LF101XF function decoder is suitable
for use in all scales. Features include:
Six function outputs rated at 200mA each with advanced function mapping.
Designed to allow control of external circuits that are polarity sensitive.
Directional or independent lighting with dimming and special effects.
Support for Advanced Consist Control and Extended Addressing.
Short circuit protection.
Support for programming on the mainline (operations mode programming).
Support for all form of programming as described in NMRA RP-9.2.3
Supports service mode decoder lock.
Size: L 0.85" x W 0.47"x H 0.12" L 21.6 mm x W 12.0 mm x H 3.0 mm
LF101XF Six Function
DCC Function Only Decoder
Art. No. 10104
February 2007