Remote Switch foR
SubmeRSible PumPS
115V - 10' coRd
115V/230V - 18' coRd
230V - 8' coRd
This instruction sheet provides you with the information required to
safely own and operate your product. Retain these instructions for
future reference.
The product you have purchased is of the highest quality
workmanship and material, and has been engineered to give you
long and reliable service. This product has been carefully tested,
inspected, and packaged to ensure safe delivery and operation.
Please examine your item(s) carefully to ensure that no damage
occurred during shipment. If damage has occurred, please contact
the place of purchase. They will assist you in replacement or repair,
if required.
ReAd theSe iNStRuctioNS cARefullY befoRe
AttemPtiNG to iNStAll, oPeRAte, oR SeRVice
YouR PRoduct. KNow the PRoduct’S APPlicAtioN,
limitAtioNS, ANd PoteNtiAl hAZARdS. PRotect
YouRSelf ANd otheRS bY obSeRViNG All SAfetY
iNfoRmAtioN. fAiluRe to comPlY with theSe
iNStRuctioNS could ReSult iN PeRSoNAl iNJuRY ANd/
oR PRoPeRtY dAmAGe!
The remote switch RS-5 for submersible pumps can be used either
by attaching it to the 5-MSP pump or used separately with other
pumps to control on-off operation of the pump. The 115V units
come with a piggyback 115V plug/receptacle and are for 115V
pumps rated 10 amps or less. The 230V unit comes with a stripped
end and is for 230V pumps rated 10 amps or less. See section IV
of this instruction sheet for electrical connections of the 115V and
230V RS-5.
The switch is activated by pressure to a diaphragm, which activates
a switch providing power to the pump. Pressure to the diaphragm
is caused by rising water around the switch housing. The differential
between on and off levels is 6" (±)1".
SAfetY GuideliNeS
Do not use to pump flammable or explosive fluids such as gasoline,
fuel oil, kerosene, etc.
During operation, the area around the pump may be covered with
water. Take care when handling the pump. Do not pull the pump out
of the water (when running) by the power cord.
Do not stand in water when changing the fuse.
Make sure the outlets are grounded.
Unplug the pump before servicing or cleaning.
1. for installation on the 5-MSP pump, refer to figure 1. Attach the
RS-5 directly to the 5-MSP housing using the two Phillips drive
screws provided, as shown in figure 1. Use the cable ties
provided to secure the power cords together. To ensure proper
operation of pump and switch, place pump on a solid surface in
water at least 1" deep.
2. for installation on 6 Series pump, refer to figure 2. Attach the
RS-5 directly to the Model 6 Series pump housing using the two
slot drive screws provided, as shown in figure 2. Use the cable
ties provided to secure the power cords together. To ensure
proper operation of pump and switch, place pump on a solid
surface in water at least 1" deep.
3. for universal installation, refer to figure 3. The RS-5 can be
attached to a pipe with the cable ties provided. Slots are
provided at the upper collar of the switch housing to enable you
to secure the switch to piping. Use one cable tie to attach the
switch to the piping through the slots on the collar. The other
cable tie should be used to secure the power cord to the piping
approximately 3“ above the switch collar as shown in figure 3.
Note: When setting the switch separate from the pump, the pump
must always have a flooded intake.
fiGuRe 1 - RS-5 mouNted to 5-mSP SeRieS
fiGuRe 2 - RS-5 mouNted to 6 SeRieS
franklin electric co., inc.
oklahoma City, oK 73127
form 993559 - 07/2013 Rev. 001