Quick Serve function:
in next to no time
Here‘s how it works:
Slide in the grill plate, select Quick Serve (program 1
as standard) and the oven starts heating up straight away.
Once the MIWE gusto:snack is ready to bake, place the
prepared snack on the hot grill plate and start Quick Serve.
You can of course cook a range of snacks at the same time.
After no more than three minutes, take out the fresh, crispy
baked snack.
Just remember the following:
Always preheat the grill plate along with the oven
to ensure strong radiant heat from underneath.
Quick Serve is set to 2 min and 30 s as standard.
Baking times may vary though depending on the snack.
You‘ll find some delicious snack ideas and the corre-
sponding cooking times on our recipe cards but feel free
to experiment with your own creations!
Conjure up crispy, hot snacks in next to no time with
the Quick Serve function of the MIWE gusto:snack, an oven
that doesn‘t just master traditional baked goods but is also
ideal for preparing meat dishes effortlessly and steam
cooking vegetables or eggs.
All you need is a mains water connection, a standard plug
socket and, of course, a MIWE gusto:snack.