W G 3 1 1
5 4 M b p s W i r e l e s s P C I A d a p t e r
Po w e r - p a c ke d 8 0 2 . 1 1 b / g W i r e l e s s N e t w o r k i n g
f o r Yo u r D e s k t o p
At 54 Mbps, this wireless 2.4 GHz 802.11b/g PCI card is much faster than existing 11 Mbps
wireless networks and will supercharge the delivery of media-rich content to your desktop
PC as never before. It easily handles huge digital video and MP3 files, firing them through
your network at blazing speeds. It gives you continuous access to your home wireless router
or office network, saves the time and expense of installing Ethernet cabling when you want
to set up or expand a network, and makes it simple to relocate your desktop PC without
rewiring. Moreover, it allows network users to wirelessly share a broadband Internet
connection for access to corporate resources, the Internet, and e-mail – all with the highest
available level of industry standard WEP encryption security.
This high-speed 802.11g PCI card delivers large files in the blink of an eye – up to five times
faster than 802.11b, allowing wireless video streaming for the first time ever. Dynamic rate shifting
according to environmental conditions achieves the fastest possible connections.
Adds convenient mobility and reliable standards-based wireless connectivity to a network from
a desktop PC via an 802.11b, 802.11g, or dual-band router or access point. Makes the most of
your broadband connection, allowing network users to wirelessly share one IP address. Quickly
and easily networks employees for ongoing access to corporate resources, e-mail, and the Internet.
Secure 40/64 and 128-bit Wired Equivalency Protection (WEP) encryption allows for secure
data transfer and increased shielding from wireless eavesdroppers. Supports Virtual Private
Network (VPN) pass-through for protected communication over the public Internet. Simple
to install and use.
B l a z i n g - f a s t
E f f i c i e n t
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