To configure your Nexa CM-520W scanner for use with a Phone or Tablet, please use the following steps:
1 - Hold down the smaller of the two buttons on the scanner until the blue light starts flashing very quickly
and the scanner makes a series of short beeps, then with your finger still on the smaller button press the
larger button and release both. The blue light will flash slower and it is now ready to pair.
2 – On your Phone or Tablet, go into settings, then general, then Bluetooth, (on some devices you can go
straight from settings into Bluetooth), and turn on Bluetooth. Within a short period of time the CM-520W will
appear in your list of Bluetooth devices and it will be labelled “Keyboard”.
3 – Press on the CM-520W scanner in your list of Bluetooth devices to pair it.
4 – Your device will now prompt you to enter a pin number. This is done by scanning the appropriate
barcodes from the list over the page and scanning OK when finished.
5 – After the pin number has been entered the scanner will appear in your list of Bluetooth devices as
“SmartBT”. It is now ready to scan, and will output any scanned barcodes on screen, in the same way as if
they were typed in using the on screen keyboard.
Note: that if you wish to make the on screen keyboard appear or disappear at any time, please press the
smaller of the two buttons on the scanner and it will appear or disappear as the button is pressed (IOS