The Paradox PRO Plus with Pet Immunity (476PET) is a state-of-
the-art analog detection system that incorporates the following
unique features:
• Patented Auto Pulse Signal Processing with two
programmable levels
• Specially designed lens provides pet immunity up to 18kg (40lbs)
• Improved RFI and EMI rejection with metal shield
• Automatic Temperature Compensation
• High density reflow SMD design
At the recommended height of 2.1m (7ft) ± 10%, the 476PET motion
detectors provide full coverage from 1.5m (5ft) to 11m (35ft) and up to
15m (50ft) for the center beams.
Avoid placing the detector within proximity of reflective surfaces;
direct air flow from vents, fans, and windows; sources of steam/oil
vapor; infrared light sources; and objects causing temperature
changes such as heaters, refrigerators and ovens. Do not place
objects or furniture higher than 0.9m (3ft), which a pet can climb
onto (e.g. a cat on a couch), within 2.1m (7ft) of the detector. In
addition, do not aim the detector at a stairway a pet may have
access to.
After selecting the detector's location, carefully remove the PCB
by loosening the PCB screw
and drill holes for the screws as
shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. Run the wires through the two
entry holes labeled
(see Figure 2) and connect them according
to the markings on the plastic back or as shown in Figure 1.
Do not touch the sensor surface as this could result in a
detector malfunction. If necessary, clean the sensor
surface using a soft cloth with pure alcohol.
Pet Immunity
An animal’s immunity to false alarms depends on its size,
temperature, and length of coat. Longer hair and smaller size
make an animal more likely to be immune, while shorter hair and
larger animals are more likely to create a false alarm. For animals
that require a higher immunity level, consider using our DG75
dual-sensor motion detector with 40kg (90lbs) pet immunity.
The 476PET pet immunity feature has not yet been investigated
by UL.
PCB Height Adjustment
The 476PET is designed for optimal performance at a height of
2.1m (7ft), but can be installed lower or higher. After you have
installed the detector, ensure that the adjustable height markings
on the left side of the PCB match the tab
inside the back cover
(see Figure 2).
For example, if the detector is installed at a height of 2.1m (7ft), the
PCB should then be adjusted to 2.1m (7ft) (see Figure 4). Align the
desired marking (height) with the back cover’s plastic tab.
If another installation height is called for, readjust the PCB
accordingly. Any PCB adjustments should be followed by a walk-
test of the protected area. Walk-testing verifies that the required
coverage is in place.
J1 - LED Setting
When the motion detector detects movement, the
green LED will illuminate for 3 seconds. To disable
the LED display, remove jumper J1 (see Figure 1).
ON (default) =
This will enable the green LED
This will disable the green LED
J2 - Slow / Fast Mode
Jumper J2 is located inside the metal shield and is
factory-set to the "ON" position (fast mode), which is
recommended for the majority of installations. The
use of slow mode (jumper J2 "OFF”) is suggested in
areas where the incidence of false alarms may be
greater. Use a small screwdriver to gently pry off the
metal shield
to access jumper J2. Please refer to
Figure 1.
If the animal is large (close to 18kg / 40lb) with short hair, the
sensitivity should be reduced (set J2 to slow mode).
ON (default) =
Fast Mode (high sensitivity)
Slow Mode (low sensitivity)
WARNING! In Slow mode, the detector range may be
In order to test the detector, walk through the area protected by
the detector. If the Green LED illuminates for 3 seconds, the
detector is working. To test an animal’s immunity, have the animal
walk across the detection path. If the light does not illuminate, the
animal is immune to detection. When walk-testing, always move
across the detection path, not towards the detector.
* UL tested to 0°C to +49°C (+32°F to +120°F)
This device complies with Part 15 Subpart (B) of FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
The user is cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved by
Paradox Ltd. could void the user’s authority to operate/use the equipment.
Paradox Ltd. (“Seller”) warrants its products to be free from defects in materials and
workmanship under normal use for a period of one year. Except as specifically stated
herein, all express or implied warranties whatsoever, statutory or otherwise, including
without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose, are expressly excluded. Because Seller does not install or connect the
products and because the products may be used in conjunction with products not
manufactured by Seller, Seller cannot guarantee the performance of the security
system and shall not be responsible for circumstances resulting from the product’s
inability to operate. Seller obligation and liability under this warranty is expressly limited
to repairing or replacing, at Seller's option, any product not meeting the specifications.
Returns must include proof of purchase and be within the warranty period. In no event
shall the Seller be liable to the buyer or any other person for any loss or damages
whether direct or indirect or consequential or incidental, including without limitation, any
damages for lost profits stolen goods, or claims by any other party, caused by defective
goods or otherwise arising from the improper, incorrect or otherwise faulty installation or
use of the merchandise sold.
Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the Seller’s maximum liability will be strictly
limited to the purchase price of the defective product. Your use of this product signifies
your acceptance of this warranty.
*BEWARE: Dealers, installers and/or others selling the product are not authorized to
modify this warranty or make additional warranties that are binding on the Seller.
: For the latest information on products approvals, such as UL and CE,
please visit www.paradox.com.
© 2002-2011 Paradox Ltd. All rights reserved. Specifications may change without prior
notice. One or more of the following US patents may apply: 7046142, 6215399,
6111256, 6104319, 5920259, 5886632, 5721542, 5287111, 5119069, 5077549 and
RE39406. Canadian and international patents may also apply. LODIFF® lens: patent
#4,787,722 (U.S.). PRO is a trademark or registered trademark of Paradox Ltd. or its
affiliates in Canada, the United States and/or other countries. LODIFF® is a registered
trademark of Fresnel Technologies Inc.
Figure/Figura 1
Figure/Figura 2
Aux Figures 3 et 4, toutes les mesures sont montrées en mètres
et en (pieds).
En las Figuras 3 y 4, todas las medidas están en metros y (pies).
Figure/Figura 3
Figure/Figura 4
El detector Paradox PRO Plus con Inmunidad contra Mascotas
(476 PET) es una obra maestra de los sistemas de detección
analógicos, que incorpora las siguientes características exclusivas:
• Patentado Procesamiento Automático de Señales de Pulso
con dos niveles programables
• Su lente especialmente diseñado ofrece una inmunidad
contra mascotas de hasta 18kg (40lbs) de peso
• Blindaje metálico con rechazo mejorado a interferencias
electromagnéticas y de radiofrecuencia
• Compensación Automática de Temperatura
• Diseño de Dispositivo de Montaje Superficial (SMD)
PIR Motion Detector with
18kg (40lb) Pet Immunity
Sensor Type
Dual rectangular element
Coverage: 88.5° (standard)
11m x 11m (35ft x 35ft)
Center beams: 15m (50ft)
Installation Height
2.1m to 2.7m (7 to 9ft)
Detection Speed
0.2 to 3.5m/sec. (0.6 to 11.5ft/sec.)
Operating Temperature
-20°C to +50°C (-4°F to +122°F)*
Typically 9Vdc to 16Vdc
Current Consumption
31mA Maximum
Self-test on start up
Green LED flashes for 35 sec. and
the relay follows the status of the LED
2nd generation Fresnel lens,
LODIFF®, Pet Immune
Alarm Output
N.C., 28Vdc, 0.15A
Anti-tamper switch
N.C., 28VdC, 0.15A Maximum
LED Setting
Réglage de la DEL
Configuración de luz LED
ON = enabled/activée/habilitado
OFF = disabled/désactivée/deshabilitado
Slow/Fast mode (inside metal shield)
Mode lent/rapide (à l’intérieur du blindage métallique)
Modo Lento / Rápido (al interior de blindaje metálico)
ON = Fast /Rapide/Rápido
OFF = Slow Mode/Lent/Lento
- alarm relay
- relais d’alarme
- relé de alarma
- power input (12Vdc)
- alimentation (12VCC)
- entrada de CA (12Vcc)
- anti-tamper switch
- commutateur anti-sabotage
- interruptor antisabotaje
- P.C.B. screw
- vis de la plaquette du circuit imprimé
- tornillo de PCI
- P.C.B.
- plaquette de circuit imprimée
- P.C.I.
- RF metal shield
- bouclier métalique FR
- blindaje metálico RF
- detect/alarm LED (green)
- détection/del d’alarme (vert)
- LED detección/alarma (verde)
- corner mount
- montage en coin
- montaje en esquina
- flat surface mount
- montage sur surface plane
- montaje en superficie plana
- wire entry
- entrée des fils
- entrada de cableado
- align PCB height with tab
- aligner hauteur de carte de circuits
imprimés avec onglet
- alinee la altura de la PCI con la lengueta
11m x 11m (35ft x 35ft)
Center beams: 15m (50ft)
11 m X 11 m (35 pi X 35 pi)
faisceaux du centre : 15 m
(50 pi)
11m x 11m (35ft x 35ft)
Haces centrales: 15m (50ft)
- optimum beam dispersion
- dispersion optimale du
- dispersión de haz óptima
- unit aims closer, the gap
between beams is smaller.
Pet immunity is
- l’unité capte plus près et
l’espace entre les faisceaux
est plus petit; l’insensibilité
aux animaux est
- el objetivo de la unidad está
más cerca; la distancia
entre los haces es más
pequeña. La inmunidad
contra mascotas está
- unit aims further, the gap
between beams is wider.
Pet immunity is
- l’unité capte plus loin et
l’espace entre les faisceaux
est plus grand; l’insensibilité
aux animaux est
- el objetivo de la unidad está
más lejos, la distancia entre
haces es mayor. La
inmunidad contra mascotas
está comprometida.