The Partner K950 Active and K1250 Active are a new
generation of cutters in the big-machine class. They
are characterised by low weight in relation to power
output, allied to ergonomics of exceptional class.
The Partner K950 Active has a power output that
places it among the largest machines on the market,
but it weighs no more than a medium-class machine.
It is available in variants for three blade sizes: 12˝, 14˝
and 16˝.
The Partner K1250 Active has the highest power
output among all cutting machines on the market. Its
weight/power ratio is also unbeatable. It is available
with 14˝ and 16˝ blade sizes.
The Active generation was launched with the
K650/K700 medium-class machines. The ideas and
equipment concepts developed there have been re-
fined and transferred to the K950 and K1250 Active.
Both machines share the same basic design, and
several of their characteristics place these machines
in a class all their own:
– Highest power in relation to weight.
– Ergonomic design to ensure that the machine is
comfortable and simple to use, and at the same time
safe in everyday operation.
– Operating reliability, long service life and minimum
service requirements, all of which are crucial to good
cutting economy.
– The unique Active Air Filtration system effectively
cleans the intake air utilising three different filtration
principles, thus promoting long service intervals.
– The SmartCarb™ carburettor maintains a constant
blend of air and fuel irrespective of the condition of
the air filters. As a result, the machine’s performance
is virtually unaffected by dirty filters. Unchanged
power output between services and lower emissions
are two of the benefits of the new carburettor.
– The starter. The Dura Starter is totally sealed from
dust and features grease lubrication. The pulley is
spring-loaded and is thus not subject to vibration-
induced wear. (Applies only to the K950 Active.)
– New cutting blade shield which is automatically
adjusted to suit the machine’s movement.
– Encapsulated cutting arm protects the transmis-
sion from dust and water. This design eliminates belt
slip when wet-cutting.
– Partner offers a range of accessories and top-class
cutting blades with properties honed specifically for
free-hand cutting.