150cc Extra 300SP ARF
Instruction Manual
Congratulations and thank you for purchasing the Performance Aircraft Unlimited 123” Extra 300SP! The Extra
is arguably one of the most renowne d aerobatic aircraft ever produced. Walter Extra, who designed the original
Extra, named his aircraft by the horsepower rating of th e motor placed in them. The Extra 300SP is one of the
newest releases in full scale and now R/C use.
Our aircraft was designed with 2,694sq inches of wing
area while keeping the total weight to a m inimum.
Whether you want an aircraft precise enough to compete in IMAC or 3D until you’re airsick, the PAU Extra fits
the bill. Its light weight give s you the stability in high-alpha to take it to the ex tremes of the flight envelope. If
tumbling maneuvers are your thing, our Extra 300sp will deliv er with picture perfect wa terfalls and blistering
tip spins that are not for the faint of heart.