Congratulations on taking this positive step towards re-training your Pelvic Floor!
Did you know that through no fault of their own, over 50% of women are unable to do Pelvic
Floor Muscle exercises correctly? Pelviva does all of the hard work for you, adjusting to your
body and providing just the right treatment strength to achieve the ultimate results.
Using Pelviva for the first time?
We know that trying something for the first time can be daunting so to make your first
experience of Pelviva as easy as possible, we have written a
Quick Start Guide
which is on
the reverse of this letter.
Before using Pelviva please be sure to read the
Instruction for Use leaflet
found in your pack
or visit the
section of the website to be sure Pelviva is suitable for you. You can also find
some video clips of women talking about their experiences using Pelviva which you may find
both informative and reassuring.
Some women find the pulses during the first week particularly strong, and less so as they get
used to it; for other women it is a gentle sensation like a ‘heart’ beat in the vagina right from
the beginning. How you feel the Pelviva treatment can also vary during your menstrual cycle
as your hormones alter how your body reacts to the Pelviva pulse technology.
Everyone is different and experiences will vary – some women find that the pulse changes
as they move and others feel it stronger on one side than the other. None of this is cause for
concern, and with experience, you will learn how to use Pelviva to suit your body to obtain
your best Pelvic Floor workout. With time, you will know that Pelviva is having a positive
effect as the leaks reduce and you begin to feel more in control.
Continuing your treatment
We recommend the full 12-week treatment although you may, like 80% of women, start to
notice benefits after just 3 weeks! We suggest that you continue to use Pelviva every other
day for 3 months, averaging 15 per month. Therefore, the 3-treatment pack will provide
enough Pelviva for 1 week and the 15-treatment pack will provide enough Pelviva for 1 month.
You should not use Pelviva when you have your period, so simply fit in the treatments around
your periods, averaging 15 per month.
If you have any questions about using Pelviva, please visit our FAQ section of the website
or call
0800 681 6008
to speak to
a member of our Customer Service Team.
Thank you for choosing Pelviva, and congratulations
on joining the other women around the globe who
have decided to take action to restore their
Pelvic Floor.
Jane and the Pelviva Team
Welcome to Pelviva!
Pelviva device not to scale
Pelviva Welcome Treatment Pack PEL/00023a/UK (2).indd 1
Pelviva Welcome Treatment Pack PEL/00023a/UK (2).indd 1
28/01/2020 07:59
28/01/2020 07:59