Philips Voice Tracer
digital recorder with
Speech to text
I write for you
With mobile dictation and speech recognition
The Voice Tracer digital recorder lets you dictate documents and notes on the move.
Back in the office, simply plug the recorder into your PC, transfer your files and let the
included software automatically turn your talk into text.
Note-taking at its best
• ClearVoice for clear and vivid voice playback
• Index function for simply finding relevant passages
• Instant one-touch recording
• Rapidly transfer recordings and data via USB 2.0
• Record in the popular MP3 format
• Voice-activation function for hands-free recording
Turn talk into type
• All-in-one: Dragon NaturallySpeaking DVR Edition included
• Automatically transcribe your dictation files
• Create documents three times faster than most people type
• More accurate than ever, delivering up to 99% accuracy