N e w P i g
O n e Po r k Av e n u e • T i p t o n , PA 1 6 6 8 4 - 0 3 0 4 • P h o n e 1 - 8 0 0 - H O T- H O G S
( 4 6 8 - 4 6 4 7 )
• Fa x 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 2 1 - 7 4 4 7
1. Extinguish cigarettes or any other burning material before opening fuel tank.
2. Be sure the diameter of the tank opening will permit the Water Hog to be put into and taken out of the tank easily.
3. Hold the retrieval cord and lower the Water Hog into the tank.
4. Be sure the retrieval cord will allow the Water Hog to lie flat on the tank bottom. (This is where the water will be.)
Shorten retrieval cord to remove excess slack.
5. Attach the retrieval cord to allow fuel cap to be replaced, but be available to retrieve the Water Hog when it is full.
(Note: The best place to attach the cord is on the underside of the fuel cap.)
6. When the Water Hog absorbs the maximum amount of water, the nylon bladder will expand tightly against the outer casing.
Until this condition occurs it may remain in the fuel tank. The Water Hog should be checked monthly and replaced
every 3 months.
7. Install Water Hog so that it will not obstruct the fuel outlet or sending unit. THIS IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT
8. SPECIAL NOTE: Alcohol-based fuel additives designed to disperse water reduce the effectiveness of the Water Hog.
Item # SKM407
Tank opening diameter must
be over 2 inch (5 cm).
Water Hog
Absorbs water from the bottom of your fuel tank.
Contains super-absorbent polymer that will absorb
over 200 times it's weight in water
N e w P i g
O n e Po r k Av e n u e • T i p t o n , PA 1 6 6 8 4 - 0 3 0 4 • P h o n e 1 - 8 0 0 - H O T- H O G S
( 4 6 8 - 4 6 4 7 )
• Fa x 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 2 1 - 7 4 4 7
1. Extinguish cigarettes or any other burning material before opening fuel tank.
2. Be sure the diameter of the tank opening will permit the Water Hog to be put into and taken out of the tank easily.
3. Hold the retrieval cord and lower the Water Hog into the tank.
4. Be sure the retrieval cord will allow the Water Hog to lie flat on the tank bottom. (This is where the water will be.)
Shorten retrieval cord to remove excess slack.
5. Attach the retrieval cord to allow fuel cap to be replaced, but be available to retrieve the Water Hog when it is full.
(Note: The best place to attach the cord is on the underside of the fuel cap.)
6. When the Water Hog absorbs the maximum amount of water, the nylon bladder will expand tightly against the outer casing.
Until this condition occurs it may remain in the fuel tank. The Water Hog should be checked monthly and replaced
every 3 months.
7. Install Water Hog so that it will not obstruct the fuel outlet or sending unit. THIS IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT
8. SPECIAL NOTE: Alcohol-based fuel additives designed to disperse water reduce the effectiveness of the Water Hog.
Item # SKM407
Tank opening diameter must
be over 2 inch (5 cm).
Water Hog
Absorbs water from the bottom of your fuel tank.
Contains super-absorbent polymer that will absorb
over 200 times it's weight in water