See appropriate Power Sentry Installation Instructions for applicable warnings and precautions
Power Sentry Field Install
Wiring Diagram & Instructions - Downlight
Field Install Instructions *
1. Disconnect Neutral from Driver
2. Connect Neutral to Power Sentry WHITE
3. Connect Power Sentry RED/WHT to Driver Neutral
4. Connect Line to Power Sentry UNSWITCHED BLACK (Line input must be un-switched)
5. Connect Power Sentry RED wire to wire nut with Driver LED (+) (in this example RED)
6. Remove Driver LED (-) wire from wire nut (in this example BLACK)
7. Connect Power Sentry YEL wire to wire nut with LED Board (-)
8. Connect Power Sentry BLU wire to wire nut with Driver Led (-) (in this example BLACK)
9. Cap unused BLU/WHT and YEL/BLK wires